
US: /ˈstəf/
UK: /stˈʌf/

English Vietnamese dictionary

stuff /stʌf/
  • danh từ
    • chất, chất liệu; thứ, món
      • the stuff that heroes are made of: cái chất tạo nên những người anh hùng
      • he has good stuff in him: anh ta có một bản chất tốt
      • household stuff: (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) đồ đạc trong nhà
      • doctor's stuff: thuốc men
    • (the stuff) (thông tục) tiền nong; gỗ lạt; đạn
      • to be short of the stuff: thiếu tiền
    • vải len
    • rác rưởi, chuyện vớ vẩn
      • what stuff he writes!: chuyện nó viết mới vớ vẩn làm sao!
    • (từ lóng) ngón, nghề, môn, cách làm ăn
      • do your stuff: nào dở ngón ra nào; cứ tiếp tục làm đi
      • to know one's stuff: nắm được nghề nghiệp (môn...) của mình
      • the stuff to give'em: cách làm ăn để dạy cho bọn nó
  • ngoại động từ
    • bịt
      • to stuff one's ears with wool: bịt tai bằng bông len
    • nhồi, nhét, lèn
      • to stuff a fowl: nhồi (thịt, nấm hương, đậu... vào một con gà
      • to stuff goose: nhồi cho ngỗng ăn
      • a head stuffed with romance: một đầu óc đầy lãng mạn
      • cushion stuffed with down: gối nhồi lông tơ chim
      • stuffed birds: chim nhồi rơm
      • to stuff clothing into a small bag: nhét quần áo vào một cái túi nhỏ
  • nội động từ
    • đánh lừa bịp
    • ăn ngấu nghiến, ngốn, tọng

Advanced English dictionary

noun, verb
+ noun [U]
1 (informal, sometimes disapproving) used to refer to a substance, material, group of objects, etc. when you do not know the name, when the name is not important or when it is obvious what you are talking about: What's all that sticky stuff on the carpet? + The chairs were covered in some sort of plastic stuff. + This wine is good stuff. + (disapproving) I don't know how you can eat that stuff! + They sell stationery and stuff (like that). + Where's all my stuff (= my possessions)? + (disapproving) Could you move all that stuff off the table?
See also - FOODSTUFF
2 (informal) used to refer in a general way to things that people do, say, think, etc: I've got loads of stuff to do today. + I like reading and stuff. + The band did some great stuff on their first album. + This is all good stuff. Well done! + What's all this 'Mrs Smith' stuff? Call me Anna. + I don't believe in all that stuff about ghosts.
3 ~ (of sth) (formal or literary) the most important feature of sth; something that sth else is based on or is made from: The trip was magical; the stuff of which dreams are made. + Parades and marches were the very stuff of politics in the region. + Let's see what stuff you're made of (= what sort of person you are).
See also - HOT STUFF
Idioms: do your stuff (informal) to do what you are good at or what you have been trained to do: Some members of the team are just not doing their stuff (= doing as well as they should). + (figurative) The medicine has clearly done its stuff.
not give a stuff (BrE, slang) to not care at all about sth
stuff and nonsense exclamation (old-fashioned, informal) used by some people to say that they think that sth is stupid or not true
more at KID n., KNOW v., STERN adj., STRUT v., SWEAT v.
+ verb
1 ~ A (with B)
~ B (in, into, under, etc. A) to fill a space or container tightly with sth: [VN] She had 500 envelopes to stuff with leaflets. + She had 500 leaflets to stuff into envelopes. + The fridge is stuffed to bursting. + My nose is stuffed up (= blocked because of illness). + [VN-ADJ] All the drawers were stuffed full of letters and papers.
2 [VN +adv./prep.] to push sth quickly and carelessly into a small space: She stuffed the money under a cushion. + His hands were stuffed in his pockets. + Robyn quickly stuffed clothes into an overnight bag.
3 [VN] to fill a vegetable, chicken, etc. with another type of food: Are you going to stuff the turkey? + stuffed peppers
4 [VN] ~ sb / yourself (with sth)
~ your face (informal) to eat a lot of food or too much food; to give sb a lot or too much to eat: He sat at the table stuffing himself. + Don't stuff the kids with chocolate before their dinner. + We stuffed our faces at the party.
5 [VN] [usually passive] to fill the dead body of an animal with material and preserve it, so that it keeps its original shape and appearance: They had had their pet dog stuffed.
Idioms: get stuffed (BrE, spoken) used to tell sb in a rude and angry way to go away, or that you do not want sth: If they don't offer you more money, tell them to get stuffed.
stuff it (spoken, informal) used to show that you have changed your mind about sth or do not care about sth: I didn't want a part in the play, then I thought-stuff it-why not? + Stuff it. At my age it doesn't matter.
you, etc. can stuff sth (spoken, informal) used to tell sb in a rude and angry way that you do not want sth: I told them they could stuff their job.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 substance, material, matter, fabric, ingredients, essence, essentials, fundamentals, building blocks, makings:
This is the stuff that dreams are made on. Is hydrogen the basic stuff of the universe?
2 equipment, goods, gear, trappings, kit, tackle, accessories, paraphernalia, accoutrements or US also accouterments, effects, belongings, possessions, things, bits and pieces, impedimenta, baggage, property, chattels, furniture, Brit lumber, Colloq junk, rubbish, crap, Brit clobber, Taboo Slang shit:
Graham left all his stuff with his mother when he went west.
3 spirit, attitude, grit, substance, makings, talent(s), abilities, capabilities, qualities, attributes:
Is Simon the stuff of which commandos are made?
4 nonsense, trash, rubbish, stuff and nonsense, twaddle, humbug, bunkum, tommy-rot, balderdash, Colloq rot, garbage, bunk, tripe, poppycock, crap, malarkey, boloney or baloney, bosh, hogwash, swill, claptrap, piffle, hot air, flapdoodle, fiddle-faddle, codswallop, bull, US horse feathers, Taboo Slang bullshit, horseshit:
You don't believe all that stuff you've been reading about me, do you?
5 creations, accomplishments, things, works, materials, matter:
Without the attributions, I'd have trouble telling their stuff apart.
6 jam, ram, cram, crowd, compress, pack, press, squeeze, squash, shove, thrust, force:
You couldn't stuff another handkerchief into that suitcase.
7 line, fill, pack:
Stuff the chicken with the following mixture.
8 overeat, gorge, overindulge, gormandize, gluttonize, Colloq make a pig or a hog of oneself:
They really stuffed themselves at the wedding reception.
9 stuff up. clog, plug, obstruct, choke, block (up), stop or US also pack up:
Phone the plumber: the drain is stuffed up again. The cold had given her a headache and a stuffed-up nose.

Collocation dictionary


frantically, hastily, quickly


inside, into
He hastily stuffed a few clothes into a bag.
| with
She stuffed her case with presents for the kids.


be stuffed full of sth
Her briefcase was stuffed full of papers.

Concise English dictionary

+the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object
+miscellaneous unspecified objects
+informal terms for personal possessions
+senseless talk
+unspecified qualities required to do or be something
+information in some unspecified form
+a critically important or characteristic component
+fill completely
+press or force
+overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
+treat with grease, fill, and prepare for mounting
+fill tightly with a material
+fill with a stuffing while cooking