
US: /ˈstɹəɡəɫ/
UK: /stɹˈʌɡə‍l/

English Vietnamese dictionary

struggle /'strʌgl/
  • danh từ
    • sự đấu tranh; cuộc đấu tranh, cuộc chiến đấu
      • the struggle for independence: cuộc đấu tranh giành độc lập
      • the struggle for existence: cuộc đấu tranh sinh tồn
  • nội động từ
    • đấu tranh, chống lại
      • to struggle against imperialism: đấu tranh chống chủ nghĩa đế quốc
    • vùng vẫy; vật lộn
      • the child struggled and kicked: đứa trẻ vùng vẫy và đạp
      • to struggle for one's living: vận lộn kiếm sống
      • to struggle with a mathematical problem: đánh vật với một bài toán
    • cố gắng, gắng sức
      • to struggle to express oneself: cố gắng diễn đạt, cố gắng phát biểu ý kiến (về một vấn đề gì)
    • di chuyển một cách khó khăn, len qua
      • to struggle through the crowd: len qua đám đông

Advanced English dictionary

verb, noun
+ verb
1 ~ (for sth) to try very hard to do sth when it is difficult or when there are a lot of problems: [V] a country struggling for independence + Shona struggled for breath. + life as a struggling artist (= one who is very poor) + [V to inf] They struggled just to pay their bills. + She struggled for 10 years to achieve success as an actress.
2 [V +adv./prep.] to move somewhere or do sth with difficulty: I struggled up the hill with the heavy bags. + Paul struggled out of his wheelchair. + She had to struggle into the tight dress.
3 [V] ~ (against / with sb/sth) to fight against sb/sth in order to prevent a bad situation or result: He struggled against cancer for two years. + Lisa struggled with her conscience before talking to the police.
4 [V] ~ (with sb) to fight sb or try to get away from them: Ben and Jack struggled together on the grass. + I struggled and screamed for help. + James was hit in the mouth as he struggled with the raiders. + How did she manage to struggle free?
5 [V] ~ (with sb) (for sth) to compete or argue with sb, especially in order to get sth: rival leaders struggling for power
Phrasal Verbs: struggle along / on to continue in spite of problems: The business struggled along for some time. + Life is hard but we all have to struggle on.
+ noun
1 [C] ~ (with sb) (for / against sth)
~ (with sb) (to do sth)
~ (between A and B) a hard fight in which people try to obtain or achieve sth, especially sth that sb else does not want them to have: a power / leadership struggle + a struggle for freedom / independence + the struggle between good and evil + He is engaged in a bitter struggle with his rival to get control of the company. + She will not give up her children without a struggle. + Three teams are locked in a struggle for this year's title.
2 [C] a physical fight between two people or groups of people, especially when one of them is trying to escape, or to get sth from the other: There were no signs of a struggle at the murder scene. + After a short struggle, I managed to get the knife away from him.
3 [sing.] ~ (to do sth) something that is difficult for you to do or achieve: It was a real struggle to be ready on time. + They face an uphill struggle to get to the finals of the competition.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 strive, strain, expend energy, exert oneself, labour, endeavour, try, attempt:
He struggled to keep his head above water.
2 contend, fight, wrestle, battle:
They struggled against the twin odds of poverty and sickness.
3 wriggle, wiggle, squirm, writhe, twist, worm:
She finally struggled free of the ropes.
4 effort, exertion, strain; toil, work, travail, labour, drudgery, striving, struggling:
Earning even a humble living was a struggle in those days. Was the outcome worth the struggle?
5 contention, competition, contest, battle, fight, tussle, match, clash, encounter, strife:
The struggle between good and evil continues.

Collocation dictionary

1 fight


great, life-and-death, titanic | bitter, desperate, fierce, heroic, violent
There were the sounds of a desperate struggle.
| just
The UN supported what it saw as the just struggle of an oppressed people.
| unequal | armed
The group supported the armed struggle against the dictator.
| class, internecine
Marx wrote about the class struggle.
| economic, ideological, leadership, political, power, revolutionary


begin, put up, take up
If someone snatched your bag, would you put up a struggle? They took up the struggle against racism.
| be engaged/locked in, carry on, wage
species engaged in a life-or-death struggle with the ever-changing environment


ensue, take place | continue, go on | intensify


in a/the ~
One of the security guards was hurt in the struggle.
| without a ~
She won't give up without a struggle.
| ~ against
the struggle against fascism
| ~ between
the struggle between good and evil
| ~ for
the long struggle for democracy
| ~ over
a struggle over the property
| ~ with
He was involved in a struggle with the police.


a sign of a struggle
The police said that there was no sign of a struggle by the murder victim.
| years of struggle
After 150 years of struggle against brutal colonial rule, the country won its independence.

2 great effort


desperate, great, hard, real, uphill
It will be an uphill struggle to maintain exports at the current level.
| long | ceaseless, constant, endless | unequal


face, have
We had a real struggle to get everything into the suitcase.
| give up
I've given up the unequal struggle to keep my house tidy.


a bit of a struggle
It was a bit of a struggle for me to get there so early.

1 try very hard to do sth


desperately, hard, manfully, painfully, really, valiantly
He struggled desperately to get to the shore. He struggled hard to keep the boat upright.
| a little | constantly | on
She struggled on despite the pain.


have to


The small boat struggled against the waves.
| along, down, for
Shona struggled for breath.
| through
The family struggled through the next few years.
| up
They struggled up the hill.
| with
I'm really struggling with this essay.


struggle to your feet
She struggled to her feet and set off after him.

2 have great difficulties


The team struggled badly last season.
| financially
I was unemployed and struggling financially.

3 fight sb/try to get away from them


fiercely, furiously, violently
She struggled furiously but could not get away.
| together
Ben and Jack struggled together on the grass.


struggling against her attacker
| with
He was hit in the mouth as he struggled with the raiders.


struggle free
The attacker's victim managed to struggle free.

Concise English dictionary

+an energetic attempt to achieve something
+an open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals)
+strenuous effort
+make a strenuous or labored effort
+to exert strenuous effort against opposition
+climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling
+be engaged in a fight; carry on a fight