
US: /ˈstɝn/
UK: /stˈɜːn/

English Vietnamese dictionary

stern /stə:n/
  • tính từ
    • nghiêm nghị, nghiêm khắc
      • stern countenance: vẻ mặt khiêm khắc
    • the sterner sex
      • (xem) sex
  • danh từ
    • (hàng hải) phía đuôi tàu, phần sau tàu
    • mông đít; đuôi (chó săn...)

Advanced English dictionary

adjective, noun
+ adjective (sterner, sternest)
1 serious and often disapproving; expecting sb to obey you: a stern face / expression / look + a stern warning + Her voice was stern. + The police are planning sterner measures to combat crime.
2 serious and difficult: a stern test of nerves + We face stern opposition.
sternly adverb sternness noun [U]
Idioms: be made of sterner stuff to have a stronger character and to be more determined in dealing with problems than other people: Many would have given up, but Tim was made of sterner stuff.
+ noun
the back end of a ship or boat: to stand in / on / at the stern
Compare: BOW n., POOP
Idioms see STEM n.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 austere, severe, strict, stringent, demanding, critical, rigid, rigorous, flinty, steely, authoritarian, uncompromising, hard, tough, inflexible, firm, immovable, unmoved, unrelenting, unremitting, steadfast, resolute, determined, unyielding, adamant, adamantine, obdurate, hard-hearted, stony, stony-hearted, unsparing, unforgiving, unsympathetic, harsh:
Discipline in the French Foreign Legion is said to be quite stern.
2 serious, frowning, grim, forbidding, grave, gloomy, dour, sombre, saturnine, lugubrious, gruff, taciturn, crabby, crabbed, crusty, churlish, sour:
Beneath that terribly stern exterior he really is a pussy-cat.

Concise English dictionary

sterns|sterner|sterneststɜrn /stɜːn
+the rear part of a ship
+United States concert violinist (born in Russia in 1920)
+the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on
+of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor; forbidding in aspect
+not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty
+severe and unremitting in making demands
+severely simple