
US: /ˈstætʃəˌtɔɹi/
UK: /stˈæt‍ʃuːtəɹˌi/

English Vietnamese dictionary

statutory /'stætjutəri/ (statutable) /'stætjutəbl/
  • tính từ
    • (thuộc) luật; do luật pháp quy định
      • statutory provisions: những điều khoản do luật pháp quy định
    • theo đúng luật

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
[usually before noun] fixed by law; that must be done by law: The authority failed to carry out its statutory duties. + When you buy foods you have certain statutory rights.
statutorily adverb: The broadcasting media are statutorily required to be impartial.

Concise English dictionary

'stætʃətɔrɪ /'stætʃʊtrɪ
+relating to or created by statutes
+prescribed or authorized by or punishable under a statute