
US: /ˈspɝ/
UK: /spˈɜː/

English Vietnamese dictionary

spur /spə:/
  • danh từ
    • đinh thúc ngựa
    • cựa (gà)
    • cựa sắt (móc và cựa gà khi chọi)
    • (thực vật học) cựa (ở cánh hoa...)
    • mũi núi
    • tường cựa gà (chạy ngang bức thành)
    • sự kích thích, sự khuyến khích, sự khích lệ
      • on the spur of the moment: do sự khích lệ của tình thế
    • to need the spur
      • uể oải, cần được lên dây cót
    • to win one's spurs
      • (sử học) được tặng danh hiệu hiệp sĩ
    • (từ lóng) nổi tiếng
    • ngoại động từ
      • thúc (ngựa)
      • lắp đinh (vào giày)
      • lắp cựa sắt (vào cựa gà)
      • khích lệ, khuyến khích
        • to spur someone to do something: khuyến khích ai làm việc gì
    • nội động từ
      • thúc ngựa
      • ((thường) + on, forward) phi nhanh, chạy nhanh; vội vã
      • to spur a willing horse
        • làm phiền một cách không cần thiết

    Advanced English dictionary

    noun, verb
    + noun
    1 a sharp pointed object that riders sometimes wear on the heels of their boots and use to encourage their horse to go faster: He dug his spurs into the horse's sides.
    2 [usually sing.] ~ (to sth) a fact or an event that makes you want to do sth better or more quickly: His speech was a powerful spur to action. + A few encouraging words might provide just the spur she needs.
    3 an area of high ground that sticks out from a mountain or hill
    4 a road or a railway/railroad track that leads from the main road or line
    Idioms: on the spur of the moment suddenly, without planning in advance: I phoned him up on the spur of the moment. + a spur-of-the-moment decision
    win / earn your spurs (formal) to achieve fame or success
    + verb (-rr-) [VN]
    1 ~ sb/sth (on) (to sth / to do sth) to encourage sb to do sth or to encourage them to try harder to achieve sth: Her difficult childhood spurred her on to succeed. + I was spurred into action by the letter. + The band has been spurred on by the success of their last single. + My trainer spurred me to keep up a pace of four miles an hour.
    2 to make sth happen faster or sooner: The agreement is essential to spurring economic growth around the world. + The fire, spurred by high temperatures and strong winds, had burnt more than 140 acres.
    3 to encourage a horse to go faster, especially by pushing the spurs on your boots into its side: As he shouted his order he spurred the horse forward suddenly.

    Collocation dictionary

    1 on horse rider's boots




    dig in/into, put/set to
    He dug his spurs into the horse's flank and cantered off.

    2 encouragement


    great, powerful, strong


    act as, be | give (sb), provide (sb with)


    ~ for
    The research provided a spur for reform.
    | ~ to
    a spur to action

    Concise English dictionary

    spurred|spurring|spursspɜr /spɜː
    +a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something
    +any sharply pointed projection
    +tubular extension at the base of the corolla in some flowers
    +a sharp prod fixed to a rider's heel and used to urge a horse onward
    +a railway line connected to a trunk line
    +incite or stimulate
    +give heart or courage to
    +strike with a spur
    +goad with spurs
    +equip with spurs