
US: /ˈspɪɹət/, /ˈspɪɹɪt/
UK: /spˈɪɹɪt/

English Vietnamese dictionary

spirit /'spirit/
  • danh từ
    • tinh thần
    • linh hồn, tâm hồn
    • thần linh, thần thánh, quỷ thần
    • tinh thần; lòng can đảm; sự hăng hái, nhiệt tình; nghị lực; khí thế
      • a man of unbending spirit: người có tinh thần bất khuất
      • the poor in spirit: những người nhu nhược
      • to show a great spirit: to ra rất can đảm
      • he infused spirit into his men: anh ta truyền nhiệt tình cho đồng đội
      • people of spirit: người giàu nghị lực
    • tinh thần, thái độ tinh thần, điều kiện tinh thần
      • the result depends on the spirit in which it is done: kết quả tuỳ thuộc vào tinh thần thực hiện công việc
    • ảnh hưởng tinh thần; xu hướng tinh thần
      • the spirit of the age: xu hướng tinh thần của thời đại
    • tinh thần, nghĩa đúng
      • the spirit of the law: tinh thần của pháp luật
      • we have followed out the spirit of his instructions: chúng ta đã theo đúng tinh thần những chỉ thị của ông ta
    • linh hồn, trụ cột
      • to be the animating spirit of the uprising: là linh hồn thôi thúc cuộc nổi dậy
    • bộ óc (bóng)
      • one of the most ardent spirits of the time: một trong những bộ óc nồng nhiệt nhất của thời đại
    • ((thường) số nhiều) rượu mạnh
    • (số nhiều) (dược học) cồn thuốc
    • to be in high (great) spirits
      • vui vẻ phấn khởi, phấn chấn
    • to be in low (poor) spirits
      • buồn rầu, chán nản
  • ngoại động từ
    • ((thường) + up) khuyến khích, cổ vũ, làm phấn khởi
    • chuyển nhanh, đưa biến, cuỗm nhẹ
      • to spirit something away: cuỗm nhẹ vật gì
      • to spirit someone off: đưa nhẹ người nào đi, đưa biến ai đi

Advanced English dictionary

noun, verb
+ noun
mind / feelings / character
1 [U, C] the part of a person that includes their mind, feelings and character rather than their body: the power of the human spirit to overcome difficulties
2 (spirits) [pl.] a person's feelings or state of mind: to be in high / low spirits + You must try and keep your spirits up (= stay cheerful). + My spirits sank at the prospect of starting all over again.
3 [C] (always with an adjective) a person of the type mentioned: a brave / generous / mean / proud spirit + kindred spirits (= people who like the same things as you) + She was one of the leading spirits of the reform movement.
See also - FREE SPIRIT
courage / determination
4 [U] courage, determination or energy: Show a little fighting spirit. + Although the team lost, they played with tremendous spirit. + They took away his freedom and broke his spirit.
loyal feelings
5 [U, sing.] loyal feelings towards a group, team or society: There's not much community spirit around here.
See also - TEAM SPIRIT
6 [sing.] a state of mind or mood; an attitude: We approached the situation in the wrong spirit. + 'OK, I'll try'. 'That's the spirit (= the right attitude).' + The party went well because everyone entered into the spirit of things. + It's too early to go home yet! Where's your spirit of adventure?
typical quality
7 [sing.] the typical or most important quality or mood of sth: the spirit of the times + the pioneer spirit + The exhibition captures the spirit of 'Cool Britannia'.
real meaning
8 [U] the real or intended meaning or purpose of sth: Obey the spirit, not the letter (= the narrow meaning of the words) of the law.
9 [C] the soul thought of as separate from the body and believed to live on after death; a GHOST: He is dead, but his spirit lives on. + It was believed that people could be possessed by evil spirits.
imaginary creature
10 [C] (old-fashioned) an imaginary creature with magic powers, for example, a FAIRY or an ELF
11 [C, usually pl.] (especially BrE) a strong alcoholic drink: I don't drink whisky or brandy or any other spirits.
12 [U] a special type of alcohol used in industry or medicine
Idioms: in spirit in your thoughts: I shall be with you in spirit (= thinking about you though not with you physically).
the spirit is willing (but the flesh is weak) (humorous, saying) you intend to do good things but you are too lazy, weak or busy to actually do them
as / when / if the spirit moves you as/when/if you feel like it: I'll go for a run this evening, if the spirit moves me.
more at FIGHT v., RAISE v.
+ verb [VN +adv./prep.] to take sb/sth away in a quick, secret or mysterious way: After the concert, the band was spirited away before their fans could get near them.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 anima, breath, life, vitality, vital spirit, pneuma, soul, consciousness, psyche, self, heart, essence:
Though past eighty, Mr Wilkins has a great deal of spirit. Even though she is gone, Annabel's spirit is still with us.
2 character, temperament, temper, persona, disposition, mind, will, will-power, attitude, bent, inclination, energy, ardour, desire, impetus, drive, urge, eagerness, zest, zeal, zealousness, fire, passion(s), enthusiasm, motivation, mettle, resolution, resolve, intention, enterprise:
We have always admired the spirit of the early pioneers. Bill has shown a lot of the right spirit.
3 zest, pungency, piquancy, warmth, fire, animation, life, liveliness, vivacity, vivaciousness, panache, élan, dash, spice, Colloq sauce, pepper:
He needs to put more spirit into his sales presentation.
4 See spectre, 1, above.
5 bravery, courage, grit, backbone, valour, pluck, daring, stout-heartedness, manfulness, manliness, gameness, resoluteness, will, will-power, Colloq vim, spunk, get-up-and-go, (right) stuff, guts, US sand:
Johnston has the spirit to be a marine.
6 meaning, sense, tenor, signification, purport, intent, intention, purpose, aim, implication, message, essence, quintessence, core, heart, meat, pith, substance, marrow:
The spirit of the agreement is different from the way the lawyers worded the contract. Is it in keeping with the spirit of the law?
7 attitude, principle, thought, idea, inspiration, notion, feeling, inclination, impulse:
Christmas is associated with the spirit of giving.
8 Often, spirits. temper, mood, sentiments, feelings, cheer, humour, frame of mind; morale:
I hope he took my criticism in good spirit. You seem to be in pretty good spirits today. My spirits are quite low.
9 spirits.
(a) feelings, mood, temper, sentiments; morale, esprit de corps, team spirit:
Spirits were high at the annual boat races.
(b) alcohol, liquor, whisky, strong drink, Colloq booze, fire-water, Slang chiefly US and Canadian hooch or hootch:
It is illegal to sell spirits to minors.
10 spirit away or off. abduct, make off or away with, carry off, transport, take away, kidnap, steal (off or away with), whisk away, abscond with; make disappear:
A thief spirited away a painting from the exhibition. She was spirited away by a band of elves.

Collocation dictionary

1 mind or feelings




in ~
I will be with you in spirit.

2 spirits: morale




keep up, lift, raise
We sang songs to keep our spirits up.
| revive | break, dampen
A string of defeats has failed to dampen the team's spirits.


lift, rise


in good/high/low/poor, etc. spirits
She isn't in the best of spirits today.

3 person


guiding, leading, moving
She was a guiding spirit in primary education.
| generous | grudging, mean | brave, proud | free, independent | kindred
He found kindred spirits in the peace movement.

4 courage/liveliness


great, tremendous | adventurous, competitive, fighting, indomitable, pioneer/pioneering


be full of, have
She has plenty of fighting spirit.
| display, show | break


with ~
He sang with great spirit.


broken in spirit
They tortured him until he was broken in spirit.

5 feelings of loyalty


community, party, public, team


have | develop, foster, promote

6 attitude/mood


He's got the right spirit!
| essential, genuine, true | carefree | democratic, revolutionary | entrepreneurial | festive, Christmas


have | enter into


in a ~ of
Both sides have come together in a spirit of goodwill.
| ~ of
a spirit of adventure


in the right/wrong spirit, the spirit of the age/times

7 real/intended meaning of a rule, an agreement, etc.


obey | be/go against, be contrary to


the spirit of the law
The referee should try to obey the spirit as well as the letter of the law.

8 soul/ghost


ancestral | evil, malevolent | restless
Owls were believed to be restless spirits who had returned to earth.


conjure up, contact, invoke, summon (up) | exorcise, ward off
She slept with a cross under the pillow to ward off evil spirits.
| be possessed by


live on
Many people believe the spirit lives on after death.


the spirits of the dead

9 (usually spirits) strong alcoholic drink


a single measure of spirits




a bottle of spirits

Concise English dictionary

+the vital principle or animating force within living things
+the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people
+a fundamental emotional and activating principle determining one's character
+any incorporeal supernatural being that can become visible (or audible) to human beings
+the state of a person's emotions (especially with regard to pleasure or dejection)
+the intended meaning of a communication
+animation and energy in action or expression
+an inclination or tendency of a certain kind
+infuse with spirit