
US: /ˈspeɪʃəs/
UK: /spˈe‍ɪʃəs/

English Vietnamese dictionary

spacious /'speiʃəs/
  • tính từ
    • rộn lớn, rộng rãi

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
(approving) (of a room or building) large and with plenty of space for people to move around in: The hotel rooms are spacious and comfortable.
spaciously adverb: The accommodation is spaciously laid out.
spaciousness noun [U]: White walls can give a feeling of spaciousness.

Thesaurus dictionary

vast, large, extensive, enormous, wide, broad, commodious, ample, expansive, roomy, huge, sizeable, large, capacious, great, immense, outsize(d), voluminous, oversize(d):
The house was more spacious than it looked from the outside. Siberia offers spacious territory, ripe for habitation over the next century.

Collocation dictionary


be, feel, look, seem


extremely, very | fairly, quite, reasonably | deceptively, surprisingly
The house benefits from a deceptively spacious kitchen (= that is larger than it seems).

Concise English dictionary

+very large in expanse or scope
+(of buildings and rooms) having ample space