
US: /ˈsmɛɫ/
UK: /smˈɛl/

English Vietnamese dictionary

smell /smel/
  • danh từ
    • khứu giác
      • a fine sense of smell: mũi thính
    • sự ngửi, sự hít
      • to have a smell at something: ngửi cái gì
    • mùi
      • the smell of roses: mùi hoa hồng
    • mùi thối, mùi ôi
    • ngoại động từ smelt, (từ hiếm,nghĩa hiếm) smelled
      • ngửi, ngửi thấy, thấy mùi
        • I am sure I smell gas: tôi cam đoan có mùi hơi đốt
      • cảm thấy, đoán được
        • do you smell anything unusual?: anh có cảm thấy có điều gì không bình thường không?
      • đánh hơi tìm ra, đánh hơi tìm; (bóng) khám phá, phát hiện
        • to smell out a plot: khám phá ra một âm mưu
    • nội động từ
      • có mùi, toả mùi
        • these flowers smell sweet: những hoa này có mùi thơm dịu
        • to smell of garlic: có nùi tỏi
        • this milk smells sour: sữa này có mùi chua
        • to smell of jobberyd: sặc mùi xoay xở
        • his talk smells of war: bài nói của hắn sặc mùi chiến tranh
      • to smell about
        • đánh hơi
      • quen hơi (quen với một mùi gì)
      • to smell up
        • sặc mùi thối, sặc mùi ôi; làm nồng nặc mùi hôi thối
      • to smell of the lamp
        • (xem) lamp
      • to smell of the shop
        • quá nặng tính chất chuyên môn, quá nặng tính chất kỹ thuật
      • to smell a rat
        • (nghĩa bóng) cảm thấy có âm mưu, nghi có sự dối trá

    Advanced English dictionary

    verb, noun
    + verb (smelled, smelled) (BrE also smelt, smelt )
    1 ~ (of sth) to have a particular smell: [V-ADJ] The room smelt damp. + Dinner smells good. + a bunch of sweet-smelling flowers + [V] His breath smelt of garlic. + What does the perfume smell like? + The house smelt of cedar wood and fresh polish.
    2 [no passive] (not used in the progressive tenses; often with can or could) to notice or recognize a particular smell: [VN] He said he could smell gas when he entered the room. + The dog had smelt a rabbit. + I could smell alcohol on his breath. + [VN -ing] Can you smell something burning? [also V (that)]
    3 [VN] (not usually used in the passive) to put your nose near sth and breathe in so that you can discover or identify its smell: Smell this and tell me what you think it is. + I bent down to smell the flowers.
    4 [V] (not used in the progressive tenses) to have an unpleasant smell: The drains smell. + It smells in here. + He hadn't washed for days and was beginning to smell.
    5 [V] (not used in the progressive tenses) to be able to smell: Can birds smell? + Insects smell by turning their antennae to scents in the air.
    6 [VN] [no passive] (written) to feel that sth exists or is going to happen: He smelt danger. + I can smell trouble.
    Idioms: come up / out of sth smelling of roses (informal) to still have a good reputation, even though you have been involved in sth that might have given people a bad opinion of you: Nobody ever knew the details and he came out of the deal smelling of roses.
    smell a rat (informal) to suspect that sth is wrong about a situation
    Phrasal Verbs: smell sb/sth<->out
    1 to be aware of fear, danger, trouble, etc. in a situation: He could always smell out fear.
    2 to find sth by smelling: dogs trained to smell out drugs
    + noun
    1 [C, U] the quality of sth that people and animals sense through their noses: a faint / strong smell of garlic + a sweet / fresh / musty smell + There was a smell of burning in the air. + The smells from the kitchen filled the room.
    2 [sing.] an unpleasant smell: What's that smell? + Yuk! What a smell!
    3 [U] the ability to sense things with the nose: Dogs have a very good sense of smell. + Taste and smell are closely connected.
    4 [C] the act of smelling sth: He took one smell of the liquid and his eyes began to water.
    Idioms see SWEET adj.
    Describing smells
    These adjectives describe pleasant smells: scented candles
    aromatic oils
    fragrant perfume
    sweet-smelling flowers
    To describe unpleasant smells you can use: smelly cheese
    stinking fish
    musty old books
    acrid smoke
    Types of smell: Pleasant smells:
    the rich aroma of fresh coffee

    a herb with a delicate fragrance
    a rose's sweet perfume
    the scent of wild flowers
    Unpleasant smells: nasty household odours
    the stench of rotting meat
    the stink of stale sweat
    the reek of beer and tobacco

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 odour, scent, aroma, perfume, fragrance, bouquet, breath, whiff:
    Don't you love the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning?
    2 stink, stench, fetor or foetor, fetidness, mephitis, effluvium, Colloq Brit pong:
    The smell from the rotting garbage was overpowering.
    3 scent, sniff, Colloq get a whiff of:
    The moment I smelt that perfume I knew that Nicole had been there.
    4 stink, reek, Colloq Brit pong, hum:
    The milk had gone off and smelled to high heaven.

    Collocation dictionary


    overpowering, pervasive, pungent, rich, sharp, strong
    There was an overpowering smell of burning tyres.
    | faint | distinct | distinctive, particular, unmistakable | funny, peculiar, strange, unusual
    What's that funny smell?
    | familiar | lingering | aromatic, delectable, delicious, fragrant, fresh, lovely, nice, savoury, sweet, wonderful
    the aromatic smells of a spring garden full of herbs
    | warm | appalling, awful, bad, evil, horrible, nasty, offensive, terrible, unpleasant, vile | acrid, nauseating, putrid, rank, sickly
    An acrid smell filled the air.
    | damp, dank, musty, rancid, sour, stale
    the sour smell of unwashed linen
    | earthy, fishy, masculine, metallic, musky, oily, smoky, spicy | cooking
    Cooking smells drifted up from the kitchen.


    be filled with, have
    The air was filled with a pervasive smell of chemicals. The cottage had a musty smell after being shut up over the winter.
    | give off
    The skunk gives off an unpleasant smell when attacked.
    | catch, detect
    As she walked into the house she detected the smell of gas.


    come, emanate, drift, float, waft
    A delicious smell of freshly baked bread wafted across the garden.
    | fill sth, hang | hit sb
    Then the pungent smell hit us?rotting fish and seaweed.


    ~ from
    the putrid smell from the slaughterhouse
    | ~ of
    The faint smell of her perfume hung in the air.

    1 notice/identify sth by using your nose


    properly, well
    I had a streaming cold, so I could not smell properly.
    | almost
    Snow fell so that you could almost smell the cold.



    2 have a particular smell


    His clothes smelled strongly of fish.
    | faintly, slightly, vaguely
    He smelled faintly of sweat.
    | deliciously, pleasantly, sweetly


    It smells like rotten meat!
    | of
    The kitchen smelled sweetly of herbs and fruit.

    Concise English dictionary

    +the sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form
    +any property detected by the olfactory system
    +the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people
    +the faculty that enables us to distinguish scents
    +the act of perceiving the odor of something
    +inhale the odor of; perceive by the olfactory sense
    +emit an odor
    +smell bad