
UK: /ʃɹˈuː/

English Vietnamese dictionary

shrew /ʃru:d/
  • danh từ
    • người đàn bà đanh đá
    • (động vật học) chuột chù ((cũng) shrew-mouse)

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun
1 a small animal like a mouse with a long nose
2 (old-fashioned) a bad-tempered unpleasant woman

Thesaurus dictionary

harridan, virago, termagant, vixen, scold, fishwife, nag, fury, spitfire, maenad, harpy, witch, hag, crone, hell-cat, beldam, bitch, banshee, Xanthippe, Thyiad or Thyad, Colloq battleaxe, dragon:
His mother is an old shrew who does nothing but complain all the time.