
US: /ˈʃoʊz/
UK: /ʃˈə‍ʊz/

English Vietnamese dictionary

show /ʃou/
  • danh từ
    • sự bày tỏ
      • to vote by show of hands: biểu quyết bằng giơ tay
    • sự trưng bày; cuộc triển lãm
    • sự phô trương, sự khoe khoang
      • a fine show of blossom: cảnh muôn hoa khoe sắc
    • (thông tục) cuộc biểu diễn
      • a film show: một buổi chiếu phim
    • bề ngoài, hình thức, sự giả đò, sự giả bộ
      • to do something for show: làm việc gì để lấy hình thức
      • to be fond of show: chuộng hình thức
      • his sympathy is mere show: vẻ thiện cảm của anh ta chỉ là giả đồ
    • (từ lóng) cơ hội, dịp
      • to have no show at all: không gặp dịp
    • (y học) nước đầu ối
    • (từ lóng) việc, công việc kinh doanh, việc làm ăn
      • to run (boss) the show: điều khiển mọi việc
    • (quân sự), (từ lóng) trận đánh, chiến dịch
    • to give away the show x give good show!
      • khá lắm!, hay lắm!
  • ngoại động từ showed; showed, shown
    • cho xem, cho thấy, trưng bày, đưa cho xem; tỏ ra
      • an aperture shows the inside: một khe hở cho ta thấy phía bên trong
      • to show trained tress: trưng bày cây cảnh
      • to show neither joy nor anger: không tỏ ra vui mà cũng không tỏ ra giận
      • to favour to somebody: tỏ sự chiếu cố đối với ai
    • tỏ ra, tỏ rõ
      • to show intelligence: tỏ ra thông minh
      • to show the authenticity of the tale: tỏ rõ câu chuyện là có thật
    • chỉ, bảo, dạy
      • to show someone the way: chỉ đường cho ai
      • to show someone how to read: dạy ai đọc
    • dẫn, dắt
      • to show someone round the house: dẫn ai đi quanh nhà
      • to show someone to his room: dẫn ai về phòng
  • nội động từ
    • hiện ra, xuất hiện, trông rõ, ra trước công chúng, (thông tục) ló mặt, lòi ra
      • buds are just showing: nụ hoa đang nhú ra
      • he never shows [up] at big meetings: hắn không bao giờ ló mặt ra ở các cuộc họp lớn
      • your shirt's tails are showing: đuôi áo sơ mi anh lòi ra
    • to show in
      • đưa vào, dẫn vào
    • to whow off
      • khoe khoang, phô trương (của cải, tài năng)
    • to show out
      • đưa ra, dẫn ra
    • to show up
      • để lộ ra, lộ mặt nạ (ai)
    • (thông tục) xuất hiện, ló mặt ra, xuất đầu lộ diện; có mặt
    • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) vượt xa, hơn nhiều
    • to show a clean pair of heels
      • (xem) heel
    • to show the cloven hoof
      • (xem) hoof
    • to show one's colours
      • để lộ bản chất của mình; để lộ đảng phái của mình
    • to show fight
      • (xem) fight
    • to show one's hands
      • để lộ ý đồ của mình
    • to show a leg
      • (xem) leg
    • to show the white feather
      • (xem) feather

Thesaurus dictionary

1 display, present, expose, demonstrate, indicate, exhibit, manifest, (lay) bare, disclose, reveal, betray, make known, divulge, register, express, make clear or plain or manifest, elucidate, clarify, explain:
Show your identification as you enter. Your persistent refusal to associate with Dominic shows how you feel very clearly. They showed me how the new machine works
2 escort, accompany, conduct, usher, lead, guide, direct; steer:
Please show Mr Sorenson to his table.
3 prove, demonstrate, confirm, corroborate, verify, substantiate, bear out, certify, authenticate:
This signature shows that the will was signed personally by your father
4 teach, instruct, tell, inform, let (someone) in on, give (someone) an idea of:
Would you please show me how to use this washing-machine?
5 appear, become or be visible, peek through, can or may be seen:
The floor was showing through a hole in the carpet.
6 exhibit, reveal, indicate, display, register:
A thermometer shows the temperature, a barometer the atmospheric pressure
7 make an appearance, appear, show up, arrive, come:
Do you really think that the Jack Nicholson will show at the club tonight?
8 represent, symbolize, depict, portray, picture, illustrate:
This drawing shows what happens to children who bite their fingernails.
9 present, play, put on, stage, screen; be (being) presented or played or playing or put on or staged or screened:
They are showing The Maltese Falcon at the local cinema. What is showing there tomorrow?
10 grant, accord, bestow:
They finally showed mercy and let the hostages go.
11 show off. make an exhibit or a spectacle of, flaunt, advertise, display, parade; pose, swagger, posture, boast, brag, US and Canadian grandstand:
They invited us to show off their new house. Quilty shows off too much for my taste
12 show up.
(a) expose, give away, reveal:
His collection of animal trophies shows him up for what he really is.
(b) stand out, be conspicuous, be noticeable, contrast:
The white dress shows up nicely against your suntan.
(c) embarrass, (put to) shame, mortify, upstage, overshadow, outshine, eclipse:
John only runs in the marathon to show me up.
13 display, demonstration, exhibition, exposition, fair, presentation, Colloq expo:
There will be a computer show at the convention centre next week.
14 production, presentation, drama, musical, entertainment:
We flew to New York for a week to see a few Broadway shows.
15 ostentation, display, appearance, pretentiousness, pretension, affectation:
Those paintings are there just for show, not because they enjoy art.

Concise English dictionary

+the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining
+something intended to communicate a particular impression
+a social event involving a public performance or entertainment
+pretending that something is the case in order to make a good impression
+show or demonstrate something to an interested audience
+establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment
+provide evidence for
+make visible or noticeable
+show in, or as in, a picture
+give expression to
+indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively
+make clear and visible
+be or become visible or noticeable
+indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments
+give evidence of, as of records
+show (someone) to their seats, as in theaters or auditoriums
+finish third or better in a horse or dog race