
US: /ˈʃɛd/
UK: /ʃˈɛd/

English Vietnamese dictionary

shed /ʃed/
  • danh từ
    • lán, túp lều (đề hàng hoá, dụng cụ)
    • chuồng (trâu, bò, ngựa)
    • ngoại động từ shed
      • rụng (lá...), lột (da...)
        • tree sheds leaves: cây rụng lá
        • snake sheds skin: rắn lột da
        • stag sheds horn: hươu rụng sừng
      • bỏ rơi, để rơi
        • to shed one's colleagues: bỏ rơi đồng nghiệp
        • to shed tears: rơi lệ
        • to shed one's blood for one's country: đổ máu vì đất nước
      • tung ra, toả ra
        • to shed perfume: toả hương thơm
        • lamp sheds light: ngọn đèn toả ánh sáng
        • to shed love: toả tình thương yêu
    • nội động từ
      • rụng (lá...), lột (rắn...)

    Advanced English dictionary

    noun, verb
    + noun
    (often in compounds)
    1 a small simple building, usually built of wood or metal, used for keeping things in: a bicycle / tool shed + (BrE) a garden shed
    2 (BrE) a large industrial building, used for working in or keeping equipment: an engine shed
    + verb (shedding, shed, shed) [VN]
    get rid of
    1 (often used in newspapers) to get rid of sth that is no longer wanted: The factory is shedding a large number of jobs. + a quick way to shed unwanted pounds (= extra weight or fat on your body) + Museums have been trying hard to shed their stuffy image.
    2 (formal) to let sth fall; to drop sth: Luke shed his clothes onto the floor. + A duck's feathers shed water immediately.
    3 (BrE) (of a vehicle) to lose or drop what it is carrying: The traffic jam was caused by a lorry shedding its load.
    skin / leaves
    4 if an animal sheds its skin, or a plant sheds leaves, it loses them naturally: How often does a snake shed its skin? + trees that shed their leaves in autumn
    5 ~ sth (on / over sb/sth) to send light over sth; to let light fall somewhere: The candles shed a soft glow on her face.
    6 (formal or literary) if you shed tears, you cry: She shed no tears when she heard he was dead.
    7 (formal) if you shed blood, you kill or injure people, especially in a war: How much blood will be shed before the fighting ends?
    See also - BLOODSHED
    Idioms see LIGHT n.

    Thesaurus dictionary

    lean-to, shelter, structure, addition, penthouse, hut, shack, stall, booth, pen, cote, hutch:
    The tools are in the shed alongside the barn.
    1 spill:
    Much blood has been shed in the name of freedom.
    2 shine, spread, scatter, throw, cast, let fall, impart, release, focus, pour forth, let fall, radiate:
    Can you shed a little light on a matter that has puzzled me for years?
    3 pour or stream or flow or surge or spill (out or forth), discharge, emanate, emit, drop; exude, ooze, weep:
    The clouds shed their snow and the world below turned white. Don't shed any tears over me
    4 cast off, doff, drop, abandon; moult, defoliate, desquamate, peel (off), flake (off):
    The trees shed their leaves. She rushed into the bathroom, shedding her clothes as she went.

    Collocation dictionary


    lean-to | storage | engine, goods, loco, locomotive, railway, train | tool | bicycle, bike | cow | milking | garden, potting


    in a/the ~

    Concise English dictionary

    +an outbuilding with a single story; used for shelter or storage
    +get rid of
    +pour out in drops or small quantities or as if in drops or small quantities
    +cause or allow (a solid substance) to flow or run out or over
    +cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers
    +shed at an early stage of development