
US: /ˈsɛvɝ/
UK: /sˈɛvɐ/

English Vietnamese dictionary

sever /'sevə/
  • động từ
    • chia rẽ, tách ra
      • sea sever England from France: biển ngăn cách nước Anh và nước Pháp
      • to sever friends: chia rẽ bạn bè
    • cắt đứt
      • to sever relations with a country: cắt đứt quan hệ với một nước

Advanced English dictionary

+ verb [VN] (formal)
1 ~ sth (from sth) to cut sth into two pieces; to cut sth off sth: to sever a rope + a severed artery + His hand was severed from his arm.
2 to completely end a relationship or all communication with sb: The two countries have severed all diplomatic links. + to sever relations / ties / connections + She has severed all contact with her family.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 cut off or apart or in two, lop or chop or hew or hack off, slice or shear off, cleave, dock, bob, dissever, split, separate, divide, disjoin, detach, disconnect:
The animal's foot was severed by the trap.
2 separate, disunite, dissolve, break off or up, terminate, end, cease, stop, discontinue, suspend, abandon, put an end to:
The final divorce decree severed us from one another once and for all.

Concise English dictionary

+set or keep apart
+cut off from a whole