
US: /sɪkˈjʊɹəti/
UK: /sɪkjˈɔːɹɪti/

English Vietnamese dictionary

security /si'kjuəriti/
  • danh từ
    • sự yên ổn, sự an toàn, sự an ninh
    • tổ chức bảo vệ, cơ quan bảo vệ
      • security police: công an bảo vệ
      • Security Council: Hội đồng bảo an (Liên hiệp quốc)
    • sự bảo đảm, vật bảo đảm
      • security for a debt: sự bảo đảm một món nợ
      • to lend money without security: cho vay không có vật bảo đảm
    • (số nhiều) chứng khoán
      • the security market: thị trường chứng khoán
    • security check
      • sự thẩm tra lý lịch
    • a security risk
      • người không bảo đảm về mặt bảo vệ nếu cho công tác trong cơ quan Nhà nước
    • to sand security for someone
      • đứng bảo đảm cho ai

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun (plural securities)
1 [U] the activities involved in protecting a country, building or person against attack, danger, etc: national security (= the defence of a country) + airport / hotel security + The visit took place amidst tight security (= the use of many police officers). + the security forces / services (= the police, army, etc.) + a high / maximum security prison (= for dangerous criminals) + a security alert + The criminals were caught (= filmed) on a security video.
2 [U+sing./pl. v.] the department of a large company or organization that deals with the protection of its buildings, equipment and staff: Security was / were called to the incident.
3 [U] protection against sth bad that might happen in the future: financial security + Job security (= the guarantee that you will keep your job) is a thing of the past. + Which type of investment offers the greatest security?
feeling happy / safe
4 [U] the state of feeling happy and safe from danger or worry: the security of a loving family life + She'd allowed herself to be lulled into a false sense of security (= a feeling that she was safe when in fact she was in danger).
for a loan
5 [U, C] a valuable item, such as a house, that you agree to give to sb if you are unable to pay back the money that you have borrowed from them: His home and business are being held as security for the loan.
shares in company
6 (securities) [pl.] (finance) documents proving that sb is the owner of shares, etc. in a particular company: government securities

Thesaurus dictionary

1 safety, shelter, protection, fastness, refuge, safe keeping, sanctuary, asylum:
During the air raids, we retired to the security of the basement.
2 confidence, certainty, surety, assurance, conviction:
He has the security of knowing that he is right in this instance.
3 guarantee or guaranty, collateral, deposit, gage, pledge, insurance:
What are you going to offer as security for the loan?
4 surveillance, safeguarding, guarding, safe keeping, protection, custody, custodianship, care:
What plans does the company have for the security of the office building?

Collocation dictionary

1 feeling safe/being free from worry


greater | emotional, psychological | economic, financial | job


They have the security of a good home.
| give (sb), provide (sb with)
He gave her the emotional security she needed.


be lulled into a false sense of security, a feeling/sense of security, the security of tenure

2 to protect sb/sth from thieves, attack, war, etc.


maximum, top
Screw windows to the frame for maximum security. a maximum security prison
| heightened | strict, tight | lax | collective | national, state | internal | personal | home


ensure, provide (sb with) | improve, strengthen, tighten (up)
We need to tighten security around the hotel during the president's visit.
| compromise, undermine
The leaking of secrets from the Defence Ministry has compromised national security.


apparatus, forces, services | adviser, guard, man, people, personnel, staff | arrangements, matters, measures, policy, system | check | risk | camera, device, van, video


~ against
The bars are to provide security against break-ins.


for security reasons
For security reasons, passengers are requested not to leave any luggage unattended.
| peace and security

3 when you borrow money


lend sth on | stand
His father agreed to stand security for his son's house-purchase loan.
| take (sth as)


against the ~ of
The bank will make a loan against the security of the lender's house.
| as ~
She pledged her jewellery as security for a £50,000 loan.
| ~ for 4 securities
share documents


company, government | foreign, overseas | listed, unlisted | gilt-edged


issue | buy | sell

Concise English dictionary

securitiessɪ'kjʊrətɪ /-kjʊər-
+the state of being free from danger or injury
+a formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment; the holder has a right to receive interest or dividends
+a department responsible for the security of the institution's property and workers
+measures taken as a precaution against theft or espionage or sabotage etc.
+defense against financial failure; financial independence
+freedom from anxiety or fear
+an electrical device that sets off an alarm when someone tries to break in
+property that your creditor can claim in case you default on your obligation
+a guarantee that an obligation will be met