
US: /ˈɹʊɹəɫ/
UK: /ɹˈɔːɹə‍l/

English Vietnamese dictionary

rural /'ruərəl/
  • tính từ
    • (thuộc) nông thôn, thôn dã
      • rural constituency: khu bầu cử miền nông thôn
      • to live in rural seclusion: sống biệt lập ở miền quê

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
[usually before noun] connected with or like the countryside: rural areas / communities + a rural economy / society + rural America + a rural way of life
Compare: URBAN

Thesaurus dictionary

1 country, pastoral, sylvan, bucolic, rustic, Arcadian, exurban; agricultural, agrarian, Literary georgic:
They always preferred rural life to life in the city. Constable painted mainly rural scenes. He sells farm equipment, strictly a rural business
2 See rustic, 2, below.
trick, device, deception, manoeuvre or chiefly US maneuver, dodge, pretence, pretext, subterfuge, stratagem, ploy, hoax, wile, artifice, imposture:
His feigned friendship was only a ruse to get them to reveal their next move.

Collocation dictionary




extremely, overwhelmingly, truly, very
At the end of the 17th century England was still overwhelmingly rural.
| completely | largely, mainly, predominantly | semi-
the ideal of suburban or semi-rural living
| quite | essentially | pleasantly

Concise English dictionary

'rʊrəl /'rʊərəl
+living in or characteristic of farming or country life
+relating to rural areas