
US: /ˈɹaɪtʃəs/
UK: /ɹˈa‍ɪt‍ʃəs/

English Vietnamese dictionary

righteous /'raitʃəs/
  • tính từ
    • ngay thẳng, đạo đức, công bằng (người)
      • the righteous anf the wicked: người thiện kẻ ác
    • chính đáng, đúng lý (hành động)
      • righteous indignation: sự phẫn nộ chính đáng

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective (formal)
1 morally right and good: a righteous God
2 that you think is acceptable or fair from a moral point of view: righteous anger / indignation / rage
righteously adverb
righteousness noun [U]

Thesaurus dictionary

1 moral, just, virtuous, upstanding, upright, good, honest, ethical, honourable, fair, reputable, trustworthy:
He insists that his father was a righteous man who had been unjustly accused
2 right, correct, justifiable, justified, appropriate, condign, fitting, apt, self-righteous:
Her righteous indignation at being criticized stems from her overweening pride.

Concise English dictionary

+characterized by or proceeding from accepted standards of morality or justice
+morally justified