
US: /ˈɹɛstɫəs/
UK: /ɹˈɛstləs/

English Vietnamese dictionary

restless /'restlis/
  • tính từ
    • không nghỉ, không ngừng
    • không yên, luôn luôn động đậy, hiếu động
    • không nghỉ được, không ngủ được, thao thức; bồn chồn, áy náy
      • a restless night: một đêm thao thức
      • he looked restless all the time: anh ta trông có vẻ bồn chồn sốt ruột

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 unable to stay still or be happy where you are, because you are bored or need a change: The audience was becoming restless. + After five years in the job, he was beginning to feel restless. + The children always get restless on long trips.
2 without real rest or sleep: a restless night + He woke from a restless sleep.
restlessly adverb: He moved restlessly from one foot to another.
restlessness noun [U]: the restlessness of youth

Concise English dictionary

+unable to relax or be still
+worried and uneasy
+ceaselessly in motion
+not affording rest