
US: /ˈɹɛɫətɪvɫi/
UK: /ɹˈɛlətˌɪvli/

English Vietnamese dictionary

relatively /'relətivli/
  • phó từ
    • có liên quan, có quan hệ với
    • tương đối
      • to be relatively happy: tương đối sung sướng

Advanced English dictionary

+ adverb
to a fairly large degree, especially in comparison to others: I found the test relatively easy. + We had relatively few applications for the job. + Lack of exercise is also a risk factor for heart disease but it's relatively small when compared with the others.
Idioms: relatively speaking used when you are comparing sth with all similar things: Relatively speaking, these jobs provide good salaries.

Concise English dictionary

+in a relative manner; by comparison to something else