
US: /ɹɪˈdəndənt/
UK: /ɹɪdˈʌndənt/

English Vietnamese dictionary

redundant /ri'dʌndənt/
  • tính từ
    • thừa, dư
      • redundant population in the cities: số dân thừa ở các thành phố
    • rườm rà (văn)

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 (BrE) (of a person) without a job because there is no more work available for you in a company: to be made redundant from your job + redundant employees / workers
2 not needed or useful: The picture has too much redundant detail.
redundantly adverb

Thesaurus dictionary

1 superfluous, unnecessary, surplus, inessential or unessential, non-essential, unneeded, unwanted, de trop, in excess, excessive:
He was made redundant at the age of forty-five and was unable to find another job
2 wordy, verbose, prolix, over-long, long-winded, repetitious, tautologic(al) or tautologous, circumlocutory, roundabout:
The book would be improved if certain redundant passages were improved.

Collocation dictionary

1 no longer needed for a job


be | become | make sb
the decision to make 800 employees compulsorily redundant



2 not necessary or wanted


be, feel, seem | become | declare sth, make sth, render sth
The chapel was declared redundant in 1995.


completely | virtually | largely

Concise English dictionary

+more than is needed, desired, or required
+repetition of same sense in different words