
US: /ˈɹæɫi/
UK: /ɹˈæli/

English Vietnamese dictionary

rally /'ræli/
  • danh từ
    • sự tập hợp lại
    • sự lấy lại sức
    • (thể dục,thể thao) đường bóng qua lại nhanh (quần vợt, bóng bàn)
    • đại hội
    • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) mít tinh lớn
    • ngoại động từ
      • tập hợp lại
      • củng cố lại, trấn tĩnh lại
        • to rally someone's spirit: củng cố lại tinh thần của ai
    • nội động từ
      • tập hợp lại
        • to rally round the flag: tập hợp dưới cờ
      • bình phục, lấy lại sức
        • to rally from an illness: bình phục
      • tấp nập lại
        • the market rallied from its depression: thị trường tấp nập trở lại
      • (thể dục,thể thao) đưa bóng qua lại nhanh (quần vợt, bóng bàn)
      • ngoại động từ
        • chế giễu, chế nhạo
          • to rally someone on something: chế giễu ai về cái gì

      Advanced English dictionary

      noun, verb
      + noun
      1 [C] a large public meeting, especially one held to support a particular idea or political party: to attend / hold a rally + a peace / protest rally + a mass rally in support of the strike
      See also - PEP RALLY
      2 [C] (BrE) a race for motor vehicles over public roads: the Monte Carlo rally + rally driving
      3 [C] (in tennis and similar sports) a series of hits of the ball before a point is scored: That was a great rally!
      4 [sing.] (in sport or on the Stock Exchange) an act of returning to a strong position after a period of difficulty or weakness: After a furious late rally, they finally scored. + a rally in shares on the stock market
      + verb (rallies, rallying, rallied, rallied)
      1 ~ (sb/sth) (around / behind / to sb/sth) to come together or bring people together in order to help or support sb/sth: [V] The cabinet rallied behind the Prime Minister. + Many national newspapers rallied to his support. + [VN] They have rallied a great deal of support for their campaign. + The country hastily rallied its defences.
      2 [V] to become healthier, stronger, etc. after a period of illness, weakness, etc: He never really rallied after the operation. + The champion rallied to win the second set 63.
      3 [V] (finance) (especially of share prices or a country's money) to increase in value after falling in value: The company's shares had rallied slightly by the close of trading. + The pound rallied against the dollar.
      Phrasal Verbs: rally round / around
      rally round / around sb (of a group of people) to work together in order to help sb who is in a difficult or unpleasant situation: The whole family rallied round when Mum was ill.

      Thesaurus dictionary

      1 gathering, (mass) meeting, meet, convocation, convention, assemblage, assembly, muster:
      There is to be a political rally tonight in the town square. Are you taking your Daimler to the vintage car rally?
      2 recovery, improvement, revival, turn for the better, recuperation, renewal:
      His doctors said that the rally might be only temporary.
      3 Often, rally round. bring or call or get together, round up, assemble, convene, group, congregate, organize, come together, troop; marshal, mobilize, summon, gather, muster:
      All Sally's friends rallied round her when her father died. He rallied every last ounce of strength in the dash for the finishing line
      4 revive, rouse, recover, improve, get better, take a turn for the better, recuperate, perk up, pick up, Colloq snap out of it, make a comeback:
      According to the nurse, he rallied during the night and asked for something to eat.

      Collocation dictionary

      1 political meeting


      big, huge, large, major, mass, massive | public | indoor, outdoor
      at a massive outdoor rally in Paris
      | campaign, election, political | opposition, protest | peace | anti-government, anti-war, etc.

      VERB + RALLY

      have, hold, stage
      The demonstrators marched to Trafalgar Square where they held a rally.
      | call for, organize, plan | attend, take part in
      About 5,000 people attended a rally calling for peace.
      | address, speak at | ban
      The government closed the schools and banned all rallies.

      RALLY + VERB

      take place | break up, disperse, end
      The rally dispersed peacefully after six hours.
      | call for sth


      at a/the ~
      She spoke at a public rally in Hyde Park.
      | ~ against
      a mass rally against the treaty
      | ~ for
      a rally for the winning candidate
      | ~ in support of
      a rally in support of the strike

      2 motor race


      club, international | motor, motorcycle

      VERB + RALLY

      hold, organize | compete in, enter | win

      RALLY + NOUN

      circuit | driver, driving


      on a/the ~
      He will join the team on the rally next week.

      3 in tennis


      long, short | exciting

      VERB + RALLY

      play | win | lose


      Neighbours rallied round and alerted the emergency services.

      VERB + RALLY

      try to
      The team captain vainly tried to rally his troops.


      She urged everyone to rally behind the president.
      | to
      Friends rallied to her.


      rally to sb's defence
      BBC leaders rallied to his defence.
      | rally to sb's/the cause
      Friends and colleagues have rallied to her cause.

      Concise English dictionary

      +a large gathering of people intended to arouse enthusiasm
      +the feat of mustering strength for a renewed effort
      +a marked recovery of strength or spirits during an illness
      +an automobile race run over public roads
      +(sports) an unbroken sequence of several successive strokes
      +call to arms; of military personnel
      +gather or bring together
      +return to a former condition
      +harass with persistent criticism or carping