
US: /ˈpəzəɫd/
UK: /pˈʌzə‍ld/

English Vietnamese dictionary

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Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
unable to understand sth or the reason for sth: She had a puzzled look on her face. + Scientists are puzzled as to why the whale had swum to the shore. + He looked puzzled so I repeated the question.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 baffle, bewilder, confuse, confound, mystify, flummox, perplex, nonplus, stymie, stump:
I am completely puzzled by what you wrote in your last letter.
2 Usually, puzzle over. study, ponder (over), mull over, contemplate, meditate on or upon or over, consider, muse over or on, reflect on or over, think about or over or on:
If you puzzle over it long enough, the problem may vanish of its own accord
3 puzzle out. solve, decipher, crack (the code), unravel, work out, figure out, think through, sort out, unlock:
I finally puzzled out the inscription on this old coin. It might take a while, but I can puzzle out the solution to this crossword.
4 enigma, problem, question, paradox, poser, mystery, riddle, conundrum, Colloq brain-teaser:
The puzzle is how the murder was committed when the door was locked from the inside.

Collocation dictionary


be, feel, look, seem, sound | become, get
beginning to get a bit puzzled
| remain


extremely, very | a bit, faintly, a little, rather, slightly, somewhat | genuinely | clearly, obviously


You look very puzzled about something.
| at
I was somewhat puzzled at his unwillingness to help.
| by
Mrs Sykes seemed slightly puzzled by this.

Concise English dictionary

+a particularly baffling problem that is said to have a correct solution
+a toy that tests your ingenuity
+be a mystery or bewildering to
+be uncertain about; think about without fully understanding or being able to decide