
US: /pɝˈsut/
UK: /pəsˈuːt/

English Vietnamese dictionary

pursuit /pə'sju:t/
  • danh từ
    • sự đuổi theo, sự đuổi bắt, sự truy nã, sự truy kích
    • sự theo đuổi, sự đeo đuổi (một mục đích...)
    • sự đi tìm, sự mưu cầu
      • the pursuit of happiness: sự đi tìm hạnh phúc, sự mưu cầu hạnh phúc
    • nghề nghiệp theo đuổi, công việc đeo đuổi, thú vui đeo đuổi
      • daily pursuit: những việc làm hằng ngày
      • literary pursuits: cái nghiệp văn chương đeo đuổi
      • to abandon that pursuit for another: bỏ công việc đang đeo đuổi ấy để tìm một công việc khác
    • in pursuit of
      • đuổi theo, đuổi bắt (thú săn, kẻ địch)
    • đeo đuổi, mưu cầu (cái gì)

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun
1 [U] ~ of sth the act of looking for or trying to find sth: the pursuit of happiness / knowledge / profit + She travelled the world in pursuit of her dreams.
2 [U] the act of following or chasing sb: We drove away with two police cars in pursuit (= following). + I galloped off on my horse with Rosie in hot pursuit (= following quickly behind).
3 [C, usually pl.] something that you give your time and energy to, that you do as a hobby: outdoor / leisure / intellectual / artistic pursuits

Thesaurus dictionary

1 pursuing, chasing, following, hunting, hunt, going or running after, tracing, trailing, tracking, running down, dogging, stalking, shadowing, Brit chivvy or chivy or chevy, Colloq tailing:
We all joined in the pursuit of the animal. The police set off in hot pursuit of the thieves
2 pursuance, striving after, seeking, searching, search, looking for:
Many think that the pursuit of wealth is the only worthwhile thing in life
3 work, line (of work), employment, field, area, speciality or US and Canadian only specialty, specialization, business, profession, trade, vocation, calling, career, life-work, activity; hobby, pastime, avocation, interest; Slang racket:
What pursuits are open to Jack Ketch now that hanging has been abolished?

Collocation dictionary

1 attempt to find sth


relentless, ruthless, single-minded, vigorous | successful


be engaged in


in ~ of
people travelling around the country in pursuit of work
| ~ of
He is engaged in the ruthless pursuit of wealth.


the pursuit of a goal
He devoted his waking hours to the single-minded pursuit of his goal.
| the pursuit of excellence/happiness/knowledge/pleasure/truth

2 attempt to catch sb/sth


The police gave pursuit.


in ~ (of)
Two boys ran past with a security guard in pursuit. The guard set off in pursuit of the thief.


in close/hot pursuit
Away ran the fox, with the hunters in hot pursuit.

3 (usually pursuits) pastime


favourite, popular | active, energetic
active leisure pursuits
| country | indoor, outdoor | leisure, recreational | academic, artistic, cultural, educational, intellectual, sporting


She has time now to follow her various artistic pursuits.

Concise English dictionary

pursuitspər'suːt /pə'sju-
+the act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture
+a search for an alternative that meets cognitive criteria
+an auxiliary activity
+a diversion that occupies one's time and thoughts (usually pleasantly)