
US: /pɹəˈvoʊk/
UK: /pɹəvˈə‍ʊk/

English Vietnamese dictionary

provoke /provoke/
  • ngoại động từ
    • khích, xúi giục, kích động
    • khiêu khích, trêu chọc, chọc tức
      • to provoke someone to anger: chọc tức ai
    • kích thích, khêu gợi, gây
      • to provoke someone's curiosity: kích thích tính tò mò của ai
      • to provoke laughter: gây cười
      • to provoke indignation: gây phẫn nộ

Advanced English dictionary

+ verb
1 [VN] to cause a particular reaction or have a particular effect: The announcement provoked a storm of protest. + The article was intended to provoke discussion. + Dairy products may provoke allergic reactions in some people.
2 ~ sb (into sth / into doing sth) to say or do sth that you know will annoy sb so that they react in an angry way
Synonym: GOAD
[VN] The lawyer claimed his client was provoked into acts of violence by the defendant. + Be careful what you say-he's easily provoked. [also VN to inf]

Thesaurus dictionary

1 stir (up), stimulate, move, motivate, push, impel, drive, get, spur (on), egg on, goad, force, compel, prompt, rouse, arouse, waken, awaken, enliven, animate, activate, induce, encourage:
She did her best to provoke him to start his new novel.
2 start, incite, instigate, produce, promote, foment, kindle, work up:
Are you trying to provoke an argument?
3 irritate, annoy, irk, pester, vex, pique, anger, enrage, madden, incense, infuriate, gall, rile, nettle, harass, hector, plague, badger, exasperate, get on one's nerves, try one's patience, frustrate, upset, disturb, perturb, distress, outrage, offend, insult, affront:
If he continues to provoke me I shall punch him.

Collocation dictionary


deliberately | inevitably
The suggestion inevitably provoked outrage from student leaders.
| immediately | eventually, finally


try to | be likely to
The report is likely to provoke discussion of this issue.
| be designed to, be intended to


She had been trying to provoke her sister into an argument.
| to
Their laughter provoked him to anger.


be easily provoked
He was sensitive and easily provoked.

Concise English dictionary

+call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
+evoke or provoke to appear or occur
+provide the needed stimulus for
+annoy continually or chronically