US: /pɹoʊˈɫɪfɪk/
UK: /pɹəlˈɪfɪk/
UK: /pɹəlˈɪfɪk/
English Vietnamese dictionary
prolific /prolific/
- tính từ
- sinh sản nhiều, sản xuất nhiều, đẻ nhiều; mắn (đẻ), sai (quả)
- prolific rabbits: những con thỏ mắn đẻ
- prolific trees: những cây sai quả
- a prolific writer: nhà văn viết nhiều
- a controversy prolific of evil consequences: một cuộc tranh luân gây nhiều hậu quả xấu
- đầy phong phú
- sinh sản nhiều, sản xuất nhiều, đẻ nhiều; mắn (đẻ), sai (quả)
Advanced English dictionary
+ adjective
1 (of an artist, a writer, etc.) producing many works, etc: a prolific author + a prolific goalscorer + one of the most prolific periods in her career + Picasso was extremely prolific during his Cubist years. + Few composers can match his prolific output.
2 (of plants, animals, etc.) producing a lot of fruit, flowers, young, etc: a prolific harvest + prolific plant growth
3 able to produce enough food, etc. to keep many animals and plants alive: prolific rivers
4 existing in large numbers: a pop star with a prolific following of teenage fans
prolifically adverb: to write prolifically + animals that breed prolifically
Thesaurus dictionary
1 fertile, fecund, productive, fruitful, abundant, copious, bountiful, bounteous, profuse, plentiful, plenteous, lush, rich, rife:
The more perilous its natural survival, the more prolific a species is likely to be
2 productive, creative, fertile:
He is a prolific author, and has more than 200 novels to his credit.
Collocation dictionary
exceptionally, extraordinarily, extremely, highly, immensely, incredibly, very | fairly, quite
Concise English dictionary
+intellectually productive
+bearing in abundance especially offspring