
US: /pɹəˈɡɹɛʃən/
UK: /pɹəɡɹˈɛʃən/

English Vietnamese dictionary

progression /progression/
  • danh từ
    • sự tiến tới; sự tiến bộ; sự tiến triển, sự phát triển
    • sự tiến hành
    • (toán học) cấp số
      • arithmetic progression: cấp số cộng
      • geometric progression: cấp số nhân

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun
1 [U, C] ~ (from sth) (to sth) the process of developing gradually from one stage or state to another: opportunities for career progression + the rapid progression of the disease + a natural progression from childhood to adolescence
2 [C] a number of things that come in a series: a long progression of sunny days

Thesaurus dictionary

1 movement forward or forward movement, advance, advancement, (making or gaining) headway, progress, ascension, rise, elevation:
This mode of progression requires enormous effort. It was interesting to watch her progression through the corridors of power
2 progress, development, advance, advancement, spread, spreading, extension, extending, broadening, enlargement, headway, intensification, rise:
It seemed impossible to halt the progression of the disease.
3 order, sequence, succession, train, chain, concatenation, course, flow:
The report traces the progression of events leading up to the war.

Collocation dictionary


rapid | gradual, slow, steady | smooth | upward | linear, logical, natural
By a logical progression of thought, she worked out why the remark had caused offence.
| career | chord, harmonic


~ from … to …
his progression from chubby teenager to handsome movie star
| ~ through
Her progression through the grades of the civil service had been rapid.
| ~ within
his steady upward progression within the company


the progression of a disease
one of the later stages in the progression of the disease

Concise English dictionary

+a series with a definite pattern of advance
+a movement forward
+the act of moving forward toward a goal