
US: /pɹoʊˈfaʊnd/
UK: /pɹəfˈa‍ʊnd/

English Vietnamese dictionary

profound /profound/
  • tính từ
    • sâu, thăm thẳm
      • profound depths of the ocean: đáy sâu thẳm của đại dương
    • sâu sắc, uyên thâm, thâm thuý
      • a man of profound learning: một người học vấn uyên thâm
      • profound doctrimes: các học thuyết thâm thuý
    • say (giấc ngủ...)
    • rạp xuống, sát đất (cúi đầu chào)
      • a profound bow: sự cúi chào sát đất, sự cúi rạp xuống chào
    • sâu sắc, hết sức, hoàn toàn
      • profound ignorance: sự ngu dốt hết chỗ nói
      • to take a profound interest: hết sức quan tâm, quan tâm sâu sắc
      • to simulate a profound indifference: làm ra vẻ hết sức thờ ơ
      • a profound sigh: tiếng thở dài sườn sượt
  • danh từ
    • (thơ ca) (the profound) đáy sâu thăm thẳm (của đại dương, của tâm hồn...)

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 very great; felt or experienced very strongly: profound changes in the earth's climate + My father's death had a profound effect on us all. + The news came as a profound shock. + The report has profound implications for schools. + Her sense of disappointment was profound.
2 showing great knowledge or understanding: profound thought / understanding / insights + a profound book / drama
3 needing a lot of study or thought: profound questions about life and death
4 (medical) very serious; complete: profound disability

Thesaurus dictionary

1 deep, unfathomable, abstruse, recondite, arcane, esoteric, intricate, knotty, involved, tricky, inscrutable, indecipherable, cabbalistic, incomprehensible, obscure, subtle, occult, secret, cryptic, puzzling, enigmatic, mystifying, mysterious:
Some aspects of the theory of thought are even too profound for many specialists
2 learned, scholarly, intellectual, erudite, discerning, astute, sagacious, sage, wise, penetrating, sharp, keen, insightful, analytical, knowledgeable, informed, well-informed, well-read:
Russell was one of the most profound thinkers of his day.
3 deep, great, intense, sincere; heartfelt, keen, acute, utter, extreme, overpowering, overwhelming:
He gave a profound sigh and fell asleep at once. It is with profound regret that I must tender my resignation
4 utter, complete, total, perfect, absolute, thorough, thoroughgoing, out-and-out, downright, consummate; awful, terrible:
Her casual attitude stems from her profound lack of awareness of how important the work is. I was immediately struck by the profound silence in the house. Profound changes are under way.

Concise English dictionary

+showing intellectual penetration or emotional depths; from the depths of your being
+of the greatest intensity; complete
+far-reaching and thoroughgoing in effect especially on the nature of something
+coming from deep within one
+(of sleep) deep and complete
+situated at or extending to great depth; too deep to have been sounded or plumbed