
US: /pɹoʊkˈjʊɹ/
UK: /pɹəkjˈɔː/

English Vietnamese dictionary

procure /procure/
  • ngoại động từ
    • kiếm, thu được, mua được (vật gì)
      • to procure employment: kiếm việc làm
    • tìm (đàn bà con gái) để cho làm đĩ
    • (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) đem lại, đem đến (một kết quả...)
    • nội động từ
      • làm ma cô, làm nghề dắt gái, trùm gái điếm

    Advanced English dictionary

    + verb
    1 ~ sth (for sth) (formal) to obtain sth, especially with difficulty: [VN] She managed to procure a ticket for the concert. + [VNN, VN] They procured us a copy of the report. + They procured a copy of the report for us.
    2 to provide a prostitute for sb: [VN] He was accused of procuring under-age girls. [also V]

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 obtain, acquire, get, come by, secure, get or lay one's hands on, get (a) hold of, gain, win, come into, pick up, find, appropriate, requisition; buy, purchase:
    I have been trying to procure early editions of Defoe's works.
    2 accomplish, bring about, effect, cause, produce:
    Using every resource available to her, she finally procured his release.

    Concise English dictionary

    procures|procured|procuringprəʊ'kjʊr /prə'kjʊə
    +get by special effort
    +arrange for sexual partners for others