
US: /ˈpɑpjəɫəs/
UK: /pˈɒpjʊlˌe‍ɪs/

English Vietnamese dictionary

populace /'pɔpjuləs/
  • danh từ
    • dân chúng, quần chúng

Advanced English dictionary

(usually the populace)
+ noun
[sing.+sing./pl. v.] (formal) all the ordinary people of a particular country or area: He had the support of large sections of the local populace. + The populace at large is / are opposed to sudden change.

Thesaurus dictionary

people, masses, commonalty, (general) public, commoners, multitude, hoi polloi, crowd, throng, rabble, peasantry, proletariat, common folk, rank and file, working class, bourgeoisie, mob, Derogatory great unwashed, riff-raff, rabble, canaille, ragtag and bobtail:
Some MPs act on behalf of their own constituencies rather than the populace at large.

Concise English dictionary

'pɑpjələs / 'pɒpjʊl-
+people in general considered as a whole