
US: /ˌpaɪəˈnɪɹ/
UK: /pa‍ɪ‍ənˈi‍ə/

English Vietnamese dictionary

pioneer /,paiə'niə/
  • danh từ
    • (quân sự) đội tiên phong, đội mở đường ((thường) là công binh)
    • người đi tiên phong, người đi đầu (trong một công cuộc gì); nhà thám hiểm đầu tiên
      • young pioneer: thiếu niên tiền phong
  • ngoại động từ
    • mở (đường...)
    • đi đầu mở đường cho (một công việc gì...)
    • nội động từ
      • là người mở đường, là người đi tiên phong

    Advanced English dictionary

    noun, verb
    + noun
    1 ~ (in / of sth) a person who is the first to study and develop a particular area of knowledge, culture, etc. that other people then continue to develop: a pioneer in the field of microsurgery + a computer pioneer + a pioneer aviator + a pioneer design (= one that introduces new ideas, methods, etc.)
    2 one of the first people to go to a particular area in order to live and work there: the pioneer spirit
    + verb [VN] when sb pioneers sth, they are one of the first people to do, discover or use sth new: a new technique pioneered by surgeons in a London hospital

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 pathfinder, frontiersman, frontierswoman, trail-blazer, explorer, colonist, (early) settler; ground-breaker, forerunner, precursor, predecessor, innovator, leader, trend-setter, pacemaker, pace-setter:
    The pioneers who explored and settled the American west were daring men and women. Marconi was a pioneer in the development of radio.
    2 create, originate, invent, initiate, take the first step, introduce, institute, actuate, trigger, set off, inaugurate, start, begin, launch, establish, found, set up, develop, lay the groundwork or foundation, set or put in motion, take the lead, lead or show the way, blaze the trail, be a prime mover, open up, Colloq kick off, get the ball rolling:
    Our company has pioneered systems for automatic typesetting.

    Collocation dictionary


    early | true


    spirit | missionary


    ~ in
    one of the early pioneers in plastic surgery

    Concise English dictionary

    pioneers|pioneered|pioneering‚paɪə'nɪr /-'nɪə
    +someone who helps to open up a new line of research or technology or art
    +one the first colonists or settler in a new territory
    +open up an area or prepare a way
    +take the lead or initiative in; participate in the development of
    +open up and explore a new area