
US: /ˌfɪɫəˈsɑfɪkəɫ/
UK: /fˌɪləsˈɒfɪkə‍l/

English Vietnamese dictionary

philosophical /,filə'sɔfik/ (philosophical) /,filə'sɔfikəl/
  • tính từ
    • (thuộc) triết học; theo triết học; hợp với triết học
    • giỏi triết học; dành cho việc nghiên cứu triết học
    • bình thảnh, khôn ngoan, thông thái

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 connected with philosophy: the philosophical writings of Kant + philosophic debate / discussion / enquiry
2 ~ (about sth) (approving) having a calm attitude towards a difficult or disappointing situation: He was philosophical about losing and said that he'd be back next year to try again.
philosophically adverb: This kind of evidence is philosophically unconvincing. + She took the bad news philosophically.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 philosophic, abstract, esoteric, learned, scholarly, erudite, theoretical, rational, logical, impractical:
The person who is out of a job cares nothing about philosophical reasons for unemployment
2 detached, unconcerned, unemotional, unimpassioned, composed, thoughtful, reflective, meditative, cogitative, contemplative, judicious, sober, level-headed, realistic, practical, pragmatic(al), down-to-earth, cool, calm, serene, placid, stoical, patient, unruffled, cool-headed, tranquil, unperturbed, even-tempered, temperate, moderate, equable, equanimous, imperturbable:
Over the years, Evelyn had learned to take a philosophical attitude towards her husband's shortcomings.

Collocation dictionary

1 of philosophy


be | become, get
The debate was getting too philosophical for me.


a purely philosophical argument
| rather

2 calm and accepting


Try to be philosophical about it.
| remain


very | quite


Mum's being quite philosophical about the whole thing.

Concise English dictionary

'fɪlə'sɑfɪkl /-'sɒf-
+of or relating to philosophy or philosophers
+characterized by the attitude of a philosopher; meeting trouble with level-headed detachment
+characteristic of or imbued with the attitude of a philosopher or based on philosophy