
English Vietnamese dictionary

paroxysm /'pærəksizm/
  • danh từ
    • cực điểm, cơn kích phát (bệnh...)

Advanced English dictionary

noun ~ (of sth) (written)
1 a sudden strong feeling or expression of an emotion that cannot be controlled: paroxysms of hate + a paroxysm of laughter
2 (medical) a sudden short attack of pain, causing physical shaking that cannot be controlled

Thesaurus dictionary

fit, convulsion, spasm, throe, seizure, spell, outburst, eruption, explosion, Colloq flare-up:
At the sight of George dressed as Madame Pompadour Melissa rolled on the floor in a paroxysm of hysterical laughter.

Concise English dictionary

+a sudden uncontrollable attack