US: /ˌpɛɹəˈsɪtɪk/
UK: /pˌæɹəsˈɪtɪk/
UK: /pˌæɹəsˈɪtɪk/
English Vietnamese dictionary
parasitic /,pærə'sitik/ (parasitical) /,pærə'sitikəl/
- tính từ
- ăn bám, ký sinh; do ký sinh
Advanced English dictionary
+ adjective
1 caused by a parasite: a parasitic disease / infection
2 living on another animal or plant and getting its food from it: a parasitic mite / worm
3 (disapproving) (of a person) always relying on or benefiting from other people and giving nothing back: She lives a parasitic existence, constantly borrowing money from her friends.
parasitically adverb
Concise English dictionary
+relating to or caused by parasites
+of or pertaining to epenthesis
+of plants or persons; having the nature or habits of a parasite or leech; living off another