
US: /ˌoʊvɝˈɹɔt/
UK: /ˌə‍ʊvəɹˈɔːt/

English Vietnamese dictionary

overwrought /'ouvə'rɔ:t/
  • tính từ
    • phải làm việc quá nhiều; mệt rã rời (vì làm việc quá nhiều)
    • cuống cuồng, cuống quít
    • gọt giũa quá kỹ càng, cầu kỳ

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
very worried and upset; excited in a nervous way

Thesaurus dictionary

1 tense, nervous, jittery, jumpy, fidgety, touchy, in a dither or twitter, all a-twitter, overexcited, on edge, over-stimulated, frantic, frenetic, distracted, Brit strung up, US strung out, Colloq (all) worked up, edgy, in a tizzy, wound up, uptight:
They were quite overwrought worrying about the children's safety.
2 overworked, ornate, elaborate, baroque, rococo, florid, flowery, fussy, ostentatious, busy, gaudy, garish:
Some of the Victorian houses were characterized by overwrought gingerbread decoration. A few of his poems are overwrought and difficult to digest.

Concise English dictionary

+deeply agitated especially from emotion