
US: /ˈaʊtˌɫaɪn/
UK: /ˈa‍ʊtla‍ɪn/

English Vietnamese dictionary

outline /'autlain/
  • danh từ
    • nét ngoài, đường nét
    • hình dáng, hình bóng
      • the outline of a church: hình bóng của một toà nhà thờ
    • nét phác, nét đại cương; đề cương; sự vạch ra những nét chính (của một kế hoạch...)
    • (số nhiều) đặc điểm chính, nguyên tắc chung
    • ngoại động từ
      • vẽ phác, phác thảo
      • vẽ đường nét bên ngoài, vạch hình dáng bên ngoài
        • the mountain range was clearly outlined against the morning sky: dãy núi in hình rõ lên nền trời buổi sáng
      • thảo những nét chính, phác ra những nét chính (của một kế hoạch...)

    Advanced English dictionary

    verb, noun
    + verb
    1 ~ sth (to sb) to give a description of the main facts or points involved in sth: [VN] We outlined our proposals to the committee. [also V wh-]
    2 [VN] [usually passive] to show or mark the outer edge of sth: They saw the huge building outlined against the sky.
    + noun
    1 a description of the main facts or points involved in sth: This is a brief outline of the events. + You should draw up a plan or outline for the essay. + The book describes in outline the main findings of the research. + an outline agreement / proposal
    2 the line that goes around the edge of sth, showing its main shape but not the details: At last we could see the dim outline of an island. + an outline map / sketch + She drew the figures in outline.

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 profile, silhouette, contour, periphery, boundary, footprint:
    This outline is of the desk area occupied by the keyboard and monitor
    2 précis, synopsis, résumé, summary, digest, abstract, conspectus, survey, overview, run-down, recapitulation, review, (thumbnail) sketch, skeleton, (overall) plan, layout, framework, draft, scenario:
    O'Brien presented an outline of what his company planned to do after the take-over.
    3 trace, draft, sketch, rough out, profile, block (out), plan (out), lay out, define, delineate:
    None of the divers was particularly enthusiastic about the procedure outlined for bringing up the wreckage.

    Collocation dictionary

    1 line that shows the shape/outside edge of sb/sth


    clear, sharp
    The sharp outline of the island had become blurred.
    | blurred, dim, faint, vague | simple


    draw, make, trace
    The children made an outline of their hands.
    | make out, see
    I could just make out the dim outlines of the house in the mist.
    | soften


    drawing, map


    around/round the ~
    to cut round the outline
    | in ~
    He sketched the street in outline only.
    | ~ of

    2 most important facts/ideas about sth


    bare, basic, brief, rough
    a brief outline of Polish history
    | broad, general | course


    give (sb), provide (sb with), write (sb)
    Write an outline for your essay.


    in ~
    Here's the plan in outline.
    | ~ for, ~ of


    briefly | clearly | roughly
    He roughly outlined the plot of the opera.
    | here | above, earlier, previously
    using the plan outlined above
    | below


    attempt to, seek to, try to


    the policies outlined to Parliament on May 20th

    Concise English dictionary

    +the line that appears to bound an object
    +a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory
    +a schematic or preliminary plan
    +describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of
    +draw up an outline or sketch for something
    +trace the shape of