
US: /ˈnɝvəs/
UK: /nˈɜːvəs/

English Vietnamese dictionary

nervous /'nə:vəs/
  • tính từ
    • (thuộc) thần kinh
      • the nervous system: hệ thần kinh
      • nervous breakdown (debility, depression, exhaustion, prostraction): sự suy nhược thần kinh
    • dễ bị kích thích; nóng nảy, bực dọc; hay hoảng sợ; hay lo lắng, hay bồn chồn
      • most of the children are nervous in the dark: hầu hết trẻ con thường hoảng sợ trong bóng tối
      • to feel nervous about something: cảm thấy bồn chồn lo lắng về việc gì
      • nervous temperament: tính nóng nảy
    • có dũng khí, có khí lực, mạnh mẽ
      • a man full of nervous energy: một người đầy nghị lực cương cường
    • (văn học) hùng mạnh; cô đọng, khúc chiết
      • nervous style: văn hùng mạnh; văn cô đọng khúc chiết

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 ~ (about / of sth) anxious about sth or afraid of sth: Consumers are very nervous about the future. + He had been nervous about inviting us. + The horse may be nervous of cars. + I felt really nervous before the interview. + a nervous glance / smile / voice (= one that shows that you feel anxious) + By the time the police arrived, I was a nervous wreck.
2 easily worried or frightened: She was a thin, nervous girl. + He's not the nervous type. + She was of a nervous disposition.
3 connected with the body's nerves and often affecting you mentally or emotionally: a nervous condition / disorder / disease + She was in a state of nervous exhaustion. - WORRIED
Idioms see SHADOW n.
nervously adverb: She smiled nervously.
nervousness noun [U]: He tried to hide his nervousness.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 highly-strung, excitable, sensitive, tense, agitated, wrought up, worked up, upset, flustered, ruffled, disturbed, perturbed, distressed, worried, anxious, troubled, concerned, disquieted, edgy, on edge, on tenterhooks, fidgety, fretful, uneasy, apprehensive, frightened, fearful, shaky, scared, skittish, US on a tightrope, Colloq jumpy, jittery, flappable, in a stew, in a dither, in a sweat, in a tizzy, in a flap, uptight, Brit nervy, US on pins and needles, Slang strung out:
Thomas is nervous because he has to give a speech.
2 difficult, tense, critical:
There were a few nervous moments before we knew if the rope would hold.

Collocation dictionary


appear, be, feel, look, seem, sound
Both men appeared nervous.
| become, get, grow | make sb
Sit down?you're making me nervous!


desperately, extremely, highly, really, very
He had worked himself up into a highly nervous state.
| increasingly | almost | a bit, a little, pretty, quite, rather, slightly, somewhat | suddenly | clearly, obviously | understandably


nervous about the wedding
| at
nervous at what might happen
| of
I was slightly nervous of him.

Concise English dictionary

'nɜrvəs /'nɜːvəs
+easily agitated
+causing or fraught with or showing anxiety
+of or relating to the nervous system
+excited in anticipation
+unpredictably excitable (especially of horses)