
US: /ˈnɔʃəs/
UK: /nˈɔːsɪəs/

English Vietnamese dictionary

nauseous /'nɔ:sjəs/
  • tính từ
    • tanh tưởi, làm nôn mửa
    • tởm, gớm, gớm guốc, đáng ghê

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 feeling as if you want to VOMIT: She felt dizzy and nauseous.
2 making you feel as if you want to VOMIT: a nauseous smell

Thesaurus dictionary

nauseating, loathsome, sickening, disgusting, repellent, vomit-provoking, offensive, revolting, repugnant, repulsive, abhorrent, nasty, foul, unpleasant, stomach-turning, Technical emetic:
A nauseous odour emanated from the crypt.