
US: /ˈneɪɫ/
UK: /nˈe‍ɪl/

English Vietnamese dictionary

nail /neil/
  • danh từ
    • móng (tay; chân); móng vuốt (thú vật)
    • cái đinh
      • to drive a nail: đóng đinh
    • nên (đơn vị đo lường cổ, bằng khoảng 55cm)
    • hard as nails
      • (thể dục,thể thao) rắn rỏi; sung sức; được tập luyện kỹ
    • cứng rắn; tàn nhẫn
    • to fligh tooball and nail
      • (xem) tooth
    • to hit the [right] nail on the head
      • (xem) hit
    • a nail in one's coffin
      • cái có thể làm cho người ta chóng chết
    • to pay on the nail
      • trả ngay không lần lữa
    • right á náil
      • đúng lắm, hoàn toàn đúng
  • ngoại động từ
    • đóng đinh; (nghĩa bóng) ghìm chặt
      • to nail up a window: lấy đinh vít chặt cửa sổ lại
      • to nail one's eyes on something: nhìn chăm chú (nhìn chòng chọc) vật gì
      • to stood nailed to the ground: nó đứng như chôn chân xuống đất
      • to nail a blow: giáng cho một đòn
      • to nail someone down to his promise: bắt ai phải giữ lời hứa
    • (từ lóng) bắt giữ, tóm
    • to nail colours to mast
      • (xem) colour
    • to nail a lie to the counter (barn-door)
      • vạch trần sự dối trá

Advanced English dictionary

noun, verb
+ noun
1 a thin hard layer covering the outer tip of the fingers or toes: Stop biting your nails! + nail clippers
2 a small thin pointed piece of metal with a flat head, used for hanging things on a wall or for joining pieces of wood together: She hammered the nail in.
Compare: SCREW (1), TACK (3)
Idioms: a nail in sb's / sth's coffin something that makes the end or failure of an organization, sb's plans, etc. more likely to happen: This latest defeat is another nail in the government's coffin.
on the nail (informal) (of payment) without delay: They're good customers who always pay on the nail.
more at FIGHT v., HARD adj., HIT v., TOUGH adj.
+ verb [VN]
1 to fasten sth to sth with a nail or nails: I nailed the sign to a tree. + Wooden boards had been nailed across the windows. + The shutters had been nailed shut.
2 (informal) to catch sb and prove they are guilty of a crime or of doing sth bad: The police haven't been able to nail the killer.
3 (informal) to prove that sth is not true: We must nail this lie.
Idioms: nail your colours to the mast (especially BrE) to say publicly and firmly what you believe or who you support
Phrasal Verbs: nail sth<->down
1 to fasten sth down with a nail or nails
2 to reach an agreement or a decision, usually after a lot of discussion: All the parties seem anxious to nail down a ceasefire.
nail sb<->down (to sth) to force sb to give you a definite promise or tell you exactly what they intend to do: She says she'll come, but I can't nail her down to a specific time.
nail sth<->up
1 to fasten sth to a wall, post, etc. with a nail or nails: We spent the morning nailing up signposts.
2 to put nails into a door or window so that it cannot be opened: The door had been nailed up from the outside.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 fastener, fastening, spike, pin:
The pieces were held together by several nails.
2 fingernail, toenail, claw, talon:
The detective found some fibres under the victim's nails.
3 bite one's nails. worry, agonize, fret, lose sleep (over), chafe, suffer, Colloq stew (over or about):
Carl is biting his nails over the result of his cholesterol test.
4 hard or tough as nails.
(a) tough, vigorous, hardy:
After years of mountain-climbing, René is as hard as nails.
(b) cold, unsentimental, unsympathetic, unfeeling:
The boss, as hard as nails, doesn't care what you sacrifice to get the job done.
5 hit the nail on the head. be accurate, be correct, be precise, be right, put (one's) finger on it:
When you said they were fools, you really hit the nail on the head
6 on the nail. immediately, at once, straight or right away, promptly, without delay, on the spot, Colloq US on the barrel-head:
He has always paid his bills right on the nail.
7 attach, secure, join, pin, tack, clinch or clench; fasten, fix, focus, rivet, glue:
The door to the mysterious room was nailed shut. His eyes were nailed to the pressure gauge
8 See nab, above.
9 hit, strike; punch; shoot:
She nailed him with a left hook and he sank like a stone.
10 nail down. settle, secure, resolve, complete, conclude, make final; finalize:
Let's celebrate: I nailed down the order for 10,000 air-conditioning units.

Collocation dictionary

1 on the fingers/toes


long | short | sharp | healthy, strong | brittle | broken | manicured, well-kept | painted, polished
(See also


bite, chew | do, manicure
Do your nails after your bath as they will be softer.
| scrub | clip, cut, trim | file | paint, polish, varnish | dig
He screamed as she dug her nails into his shoulders.


break, split | bite/dig into sth


brush | clippers, scissors | file | polish, varnish


under your ~
There was dirt under his nails.

2 piece of metal


long | small | six-inch, etc. | loose | protruding | bent | rusty | brass, iron, etc. | masonry, upholstery, wood


drive (in), hammer (in), knock (in) | pull out, remove


head | hole | bomb

Concise English dictionary

+horny plate covering and protecting part of the dorsal surface of the digits
+a thin pointed piece of metal that is hammered into materials as a fastener
+a former unit of length for cloth equal to 1/16 of a yard
+attach something somewhere by means of nails
+take into custody
+hit hard
+succeed in obtaining a position
+succeed at easily
+locate exactly
+complete a pass