
US: /mjuˈnɪsəpəɫ/
UK: /mjuːnˈɪsɪpə‍l/

English Vietnamese dictionary

municipal /mju:'nisipəl/
  • tính từ
    • (thuộc) thành phố, (thuộc) đô thị, (thuộc) thị xã
      • municipal council: hội đồng thành phố
      • municipal government: chính quyền thành phố
    • minicipal law
      • luật lệ riêng của một nước

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
[usually before noun] connected with or belonging to a town, city or district that has its own local government: municipal elections / councils + municipal workers + the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery

Thesaurus dictionary

civic, civil, metropolitan, urban, city, town, village, borough, parish, Brit council:
Voting takes place in the municipal elections next week.

Concise English dictionary

+relating or belonging to or characteristic of a municipality
+of or relating to the government of a municipality