
US: /ˌmɑnəˈɫɪθɪk/
UK: /mˌɒnə‍ʊlˈɪθɪk/

English Vietnamese dictionary

monolithic /,mɔnou'liθik/
  • tính từ
    • làm bằng đá nguyên khối
    • chắc như đá nguyên khối

Thesaurus dictionary

massive, huge, enormous, monumental, imposing, colossal, gigantic, giant; featureless, uniform, undifferentiated, characterless; rigid, impenetrable, invulnerable, unbending, inflexible, solid, stolid, intractable, immovable:
These monolithic international conglomerates, assembled with the aid of junk bonds, staffed by yuppies, and controlling markets worth hundreds of billions, resemble the monolithic glass towers that house them.

Concise English dictionary

'mɑnəʊlɪθɪk /'mɒ-
+imposing in size or bulk or solidity
+characterized by massiveness and rigidity and total uniformity