
US: /ˈmɪzɝi/
UK: /mˈɪzəɹˌi/

English Vietnamese dictionary

misery /'mizəri/
  • danh từ
    • cảnh nghèo khổ, cảnh khổ cực
      • to live in misery and want: sống trong cảnh nghèo khổ, thiếu thốn
    • sự đau đớn, khổ sở
      • to suffer (be in) misery from a toothache: khổ sở vì đau răng
    • (số nhiều) những nỗi khốn khổ, những điều bất hạnh

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun (plural miseries)
1 [U] great suffering of the mind or body
Fame brought her nothing but misery.
2 [U] very poor living conditions
Synonym: POVERTY
The vast majority of the country live in utter misery.
3 [C] something that causes great suffering of mind or body: the miseries of unemployment
4 [C] (BrE, informal) a person who is always unhappy and complaining: Don't be such an old misery! + Old misery guts here doesn't want to go out.
Idioms: make sb's life a misery to behave in a way that makes sb else feel very unhappy
put an animal, a bird, etc. out of its misery to kill a creature because it has an illness or injury that cannot be treated
put sb out of their misery (informal) to stop sb worrying by telling them sth that they are anxious to know: Put me out of my misery-did I pass or didn't I?

Thesaurus dictionary

1 unhappiness, distress, discomfort, wretchedness, woe, sadness, melancholy, sorrow, dolour, heartache, grief, anguish, anxiety, angst, depression, despair, desperation, desolation, despondency, gloom:
Worn out by grief and misery, she collapsed into a chair.
2 squalor, poverty, destitution, privation, indigence, penury, wretchedness, sordidness:
The misery of those slums is unbelievable.
3 hardship, suffering, calamity, disaster, curse, misfortune, ordeal, woe, trouble, catastrophe, trial, tribulation, adversity, burden, affliction:
She cannot bear the twin miseries of illness and poverty.
4 spoilsport, damper, killjoy, dampener, Job's comforter, grouch, grump, malcontent, pessimist, cynic, prophet of doom, Cassandra, Colloq wet blanket, sourpuss, US party pooper, gloomy Gus, picklepuss:
How can you stand living with such a misery?

Collocation dictionary


abject, deep, extreme, great, real, sheer, untold
This phobia can cause untold misery for the sufferer.
| complete
Her misery was made complete when she was separated from her children.
| personal | human | economic
the country's economic misery


be full of, be wrapped (up) in, endure, feel, live in, sink into, suffer
He was too wrapped in misery to reply. I sank deeper into my misery. men who suffer the misery of unemployment
| bring (sb), cause (sb), create
The money brought him nothing but misery.
| add to, heap, prolong
War has now added to the misery of these starving people. The giant-killers heaped more misery on the home team.
| alleviate, ease, relieve
ways to alleviate human misery
| put sb/sth out of
In the end we asked the vet to put the poor creature out of its misery (= kill it humanely). (humorous) Oh, put her out of her misery?tell her who won.
| spare sb
At least we were spared the misery of having to do it all again.
| forget


~ of
the sheer misery of homelessness


a feeling of misery, make sb's life a misery
His constant criticism made her life a misery.

Concise English dictionary

+a state of ill-being due to affliction or misfortune
+a feeling of intense unhappiness