
US: /ˈɫumənəs/
UK: /lˈuːmɪnəs/

English Vietnamese dictionary

luminous /'lu:minəs/
  • tính từ
    • sáng, sáng chói, chói lọi, rực rỡ
    • rõ ràng, minh xác, quang minh
    • soi sáng vấn đề (nhà văn...)

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 shining in the dark; giving out light: luminous paint + luminous hands on a clock + staring with huge luminous eyes + (figurative) the luminous quality of the music
2 very bright in colour: They painted the door a luminous green.
luminously adverb: Her eyes were large and luminously black.
luminosity noun [sing., U]: The moon was shining enough to give a ghostly luminosity to the buildings that crowded both sides of the narrow street.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 shiny, shining, bright, brilliant, lighted (up), lit (up), illuminated, radiant, alight, resplendent, lustrous, gleaming, shimmering, glistening, sparkling, dazzling, refulgent, effulgent:
The moon shone with a luminous beauty.
2 glowing, aglow, luminescent, incandescent, phosphorescent, fluorescent:
He had a watch with luminous hands.
3 clear, lucid, perspicuous, percipient, perspicacious, penetrating, discerning, perceptive, clear-eyed, clear-headed, keen, acute, sharp, explicit, incisive, specific, express; understandable, intelligible:
His latest novel provides another example of his luminous style.

Collocation dictionary




highly, very | almost
The colours were bright, almost luminous.
| faintly, slightly

Concise English dictionary

+softly bright or radiant