
US: /ˈɫɪtɝəɫi/, /ˈɫɪtɹəɫi/
UK: /lˈɪtəɹə‍li/

English Vietnamese dictionary

literally /,litə'ræliti/
  • phó từ
    • theo nghĩa đen, theo từng chữ
    • thật vậy, đúng là
      • the enemy troops were literally swept away by the guerllias: quân địch đúng là đã bị du kích quét sạch

Advanced English dictionary

+ adverb
1 in a literal way
Synonym: EXACTLY
The word 'planet' literally means 'wandering body'. + When I told you to 'get lost' I didn't expect to be taken literally. + Idioms usually cannot be translated literally into another language.
2 used to emphasize the truth of sth that may seem surprising: There are literally hundreds of prizes to win.
3 (informal) used to emphasize a word or phrase that is being used in a FIGURATIVE way: I literally jumped out of my skin.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 word for word, verbatim, line for line, letter for letter, literatim, faithfully, strictly, exactly, precisely, closely; thus, sic:
Generally cordon sanitaire means 'buffer zone', but literally it means 'sanitary line'.
2 actually, truly, in fact, really:
When I said he'd spilled the beans, I meant it figuratively, not literally.
1 erudite, well-read, cultured, learned, bookish, scholarly, lettered, cultivated, refined, educated; literate:
Her latest book has been scorned by the literary élite.
2 written, formal, scholarly, pedantic, learned, academic, scholastic, school-marmish:
His writing contains literary words rarely heard in ordinary conversation.

Concise English dictionary

+in a literal sense
+(intensifier before a figurative expression) without exaggeration