
US: /ˈɫɪməts/, /ˈɫɪmɪts/
UK: /lˈɪmɪts/

English Vietnamese dictionary

limit /'limit/
  • danh từ
    • giới hạn, hạn độ
      • there is no limit to his impudence]: sự hỗn xược của nó thật không còn giới hạn nào
    • (thông tục) (the limit) người quá quắc; điều quá quắc
      • really you are the limit: anh (chị) thật là quá quắt
  • ngoại động từ
    • giới hạn, hạn chế
    • làm giới hạn cho

Thesaurus dictionary

1 Sometimes, limits. extent, bound(s), end, limitation, check, curb, restriction, restraint:
Is there no limit to how far you will go to get your own way?
2 Often, limits. border, edge, end, extent, boundary, bound(s), (boundary or border or partition) line, frontier, perimeter, periphery:
That row of poplars marks the limit of the property to the east.
3 Often, limits. area, territory, confines, zone, region, quarter, district, precinct(s):
Stay outside the three-mile limit. We have jurisdiction only within city limits
4 the limit.
(a) the end, the last straw, the straw that broke the camel's back, all (that) one can take, enough, too much, Colloq it:
Your presumption is the absolute limit - you can't seriously expect me to lend you money.
(b) outrage, joke, surprise, Colloq caution:
Wasn't Nigel the limit in that hat!?
5 check, curb, bridle, restrict, restrain, hold in check:
We must limit spending on arms. The shackles limited my movements.
6 restrict, confine, delimit, narrow, focus, guide, channel:
Please limit your questions to the subject at hand.
7 set, define, determine, fix:
The bank manager has limited my overdraft to half what it was.

Concise English dictionary

+the greatest possible degree of something
+final or latest limiting point
+the boundary of a specific area
+as far as something can go
+the mathematical value toward which a function goes as the independent variable approaches infinity
+the greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed
+place limits on (extent or access)
+restrict or confine, "I limit you to two visits to the pub a day"
+decide upon or fix definitely