
US: /ˈɫaɪˌkwaɪz/
UK: /lˈa‍ɪkwa‍ɪz/

English Vietnamese dictionary

likewise /'laikwaiz/
  • phó từ
    • cúng thế, giống như cậy
    • cũng, còn là
    • liên từ
      • cũng vậy

    Advanced English dictionary

    + adverb
    1 (formal) the same; in a similar way: He voted for the change and he expected his colleagues to do likewise.
    2 (formal) also: Her second marriage was likewise unhappy.
    3 (spoken) used to show that you feel the same towards sb or about sth: 'Let me know if you ever need any help.' 'Likewise.'

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 similarly, in the same or like manner or way:
    Penny is sitting quietly and you should do likewise.
    2 as well, too, also, furthermore, further, besides, in addition, moreover, to boot:
    There are many ways to take exercise and, likewise, many ways to avoid it.

    Concise English dictionary

    +in like or similar manner
    +in addition