
US: /ˈɫæps/
UK: /lˈæps/

English Vietnamese dictionary

lapse /læps/
  • danh từ
    • sự lầm lẫn, sự sai sót
      • a lapse of memory: sự nhâng trí; sự nhớ lắm
      • a lapse of the tongue: sự lỡ lời, sự viết lẫn
    • sự sa ngâ, sự suy đồi, sự truỵ lạc
      • a lapse from virtue; moral lapse: sự sa ngã
    • khoảng, quãng, lát, hồi
      • a lapse of time: một khoảng thời gian
    • (pháp lý) sự mất hiệu lực; sự mất quyền lợi
    • (khí tượng) sự giảm độ nhiệt; sự giảm áp suất
    • dòng chảy nhẹ (nước)
    • nội động từ
      • sa vào, sa ngã
        • to lapse into sin: sa vào vòng tội lỗi
      • ((thường) + away) trôi đi, qua đi
        • time lapses away: thời gian trôi đi
      • (pháp lý) mất hiệu lực, mất quyền lợi, rơi vào tay người khác
        • rights may lapse if they are not made use of: quyền hạn có thể mất hiệu lực nếu không được sử dụng

    Advanced English dictionary

    noun, verb
    + noun
    1 a small mistake, especially one that is caused by forgetting sth or by being careless: a lapse of concentration / memory + A momentary lapse in the final set cost her the match.
    2 a period of time between two things that happen: After a lapse of six months we met up again. + He wrote to us after a considerable lapse of time.
    3 an example or period of bad behaviour from sb who normally behaves well: I forgot to thank her for the invitation but I don't think she noticed my lapse.
    + verb [V]
    1 (of a contract, an agreement, etc.) to be no longer valid because the period of time that it lasts has come to an end: She had allowed her membership to lapse. + The treaty lapsed in 1995.
    2 to gradually become weaker or come to an end: His concentration lapsed after a few minutes. + This custom had lapsed over the years.
    3 ~ (from sth) to stop believing in or practising your religion: He lapsed from Judaism when he was a student.
    lapsed adjective [only before noun]: a lapsed subscription + lapsed faith + a lapsed Catholic
    Phrasal Verbs: lapse into sth
    1 to gradually pass into a worse or less active state or condition: to lapse into unconsciousness / a coma + She lapsed into silence again.
    2 to start speaking or behaving in a different way, often one that is less acceptable: He soon lapsed back into his old ways.

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 slip, error, mistake, fault, failing, oversight, blunder, shortcoming, omission, Formal lapsus, Colloq slip-up, fluff, goof:
    Apart from a brief lapse, the child behaved very well. Owing to a lapse, your payment was not credited
    2 gap, break, interval, intermission, interruption, pause, lacuna, hiatus, Prosody caesura, Colloq hold-up:
    Listeners in Scotland experienced a lapse in transmission, for which we apologize.
    3 decline, lowering, fall, deterioration, drop, diminution, descent:
    There has been a serious lapse in church attendance.
    4 decline, lower, fall, drop, diminish, sink, slip, slump, subside, deteriorate:
    Despite the doctor's best efforts, he lapsed into a coma.
    5 run out, expire, be discontinued, become void, terminate, end, cease, stop:
    Your option to sell the shares at the offering price lapses on Friday
    6 pass, elapse, go by, slip away:
    Three months had lapsed since she last saw him.

    Collocation dictionary

    1 small error


    minor | momentary, temporary | sudden | memory, mental
    I keep suffering these mental lapses.


    have, suffer
    I had a momentary lapse when I couldn't remember his name.


    ~ in
    a lapse in attention
    | ~ of
    sudden lapses of concentration

    2 bad behaviour


    curious, odd
    It was an odd lapse for one who is normally so polite.

    3 passing of time


    brief, considerable | time


    ~ of
    after a considerable lapse of time a time lapse of three months

    Concise English dictionary

    +a mistake resulting from inattention
    +a break or intermission in the occurrence of something
    +a failure to maintain a higher state
    +pass into a specified state or condition
    +end, at least for a long time
    +drop to a lower level, as in one's morals or standards
    +go back to bad behavior
    +let slip
    +pass by