
US: /ˌɪntɹəˈdəktɝi/, /ˌɪntɹoʊˈdəktɝi/
UK: /ˌɪntɹədˈʌktəɹˌi/

English Vietnamese dictionary

introductory /,intrə'dʌktəri/ (introductive) /,intrə'dʌktiv/
  • tính từ
    • để giới thiệu
    • mở đầu

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 written or said at the beginning of sth as an introduction to what follows: introductory chapters / paragraphs / remarks
2 intended as an introduction to a subject or an activity for people who have never done it before: introductory courses / lectures + The booklist at the end of the chapter contains some introductory reading on the subject.
3 offered for a short time only, when a product is first on sale: a special introductory price of just £1.99 + This introductory offer is for three days only.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 opening, prefatory, preliminary, preparatory, beginning, inaugural, initial:
His 'introductory' remarks lasted longer than the speeches!
2 primary, basic, fundamental, elementary, first, rudimentary:
Take an introductory course before enrolling for more advanced study.