
US: /ˈɪnəˌɫɛkt/, /ˈɪntəˌɫɛkt/
UK: /ˈɪntəlˌɛkt/

English Vietnamese dictionary

intellect /'intilekt/
  • danh từ
    • khả năng hiểu biết, khả năng lập luận; trí tuệ, trí năng
    • sự hiểu biết
    • người hiểu biết; người tài trí

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun
1 [U, C] the ability to think in a logical way and understand things, especially at an advanced level; your mind: a man of considerable intellect
2 [C] a very intelligent person: She was one of the most formidable intellects of her time.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 rationality, reason, reasonableness, (common) sense, understanding, judgement, cleverness, intelligence, mind, Colloq brains:
You have the intellect, my boy, but it wants developing.
2 See intellectual, 3.
1 mental, cerebral:
The greatest minds have brought their intellectual powers to bear on the problem
2 thoughtful, thought-provoking, highbrow, academic, bookish, scholarly, Colloq brainy:
The professor did not find the subject intellectual enough for a dissertation.
3 thinker, intellect, highbrow, mastermind, genius, Colloq brain, egghead:
He enjoys associating with intellectuals at the university.
4 scholar, academician, professor, savant, sage, wise man, guru, polymath, pundit, authority:
The editor of the journal is an intellectual who leaves the details of administration to her deputy.

Collocation dictionary


brilliant, considerable, formidable, keen, powerful, superior, sharp | limited, low, weak | creative, rational, scientific | human


She has a formidable intellect.
| exercise
He enjoyed exercising his intellect in analysing the controversies of his day.

Concise English dictionary

+knowledge and intellectual ability
+the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination
+a person who uses the mind creatively