
US: /ɪnˈfɫæməˌtɔɹi/
UK: /ɪnflˈæmətəɹˌi/

English Vietnamese dictionary

inflammatory /in'flæmətəri/
  • tính từ
    • có tính chất khích động, nhằm khích động
    • (y học) dễ viên, do viêm

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 (disapproving) intended to cause very strong feelings of anger: inflammatory remarks
2 (medical) causing or involving inflammation

Thesaurus dictionary

incendiary, fiery, inflaming, explosive, rousing, provocative, rabid, rabble-rousing, passionate, fervent, fervid, frantic, frenzied, fomenting, demagogic, insurgent, riotous, mutinous, seditious, rebellious, revolutionary, traitorous, treacherous:
His inflammatory speeches at the university created tension between the students and the administration.