
US: /ˌɪnɪˈfɛktɪv/
UK: /ɪnɪfˈɛktɪv/

English Vietnamese dictionary

ineffective /,ini'fektiv/
  • tính từ
    • không có hiệu quả
    • vô tích sự, không làm được trò trống gì (người)
    • (nghệ thuật) không gây được ấn tượng, không tác động

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
~ (in doing sth) not achieving what you want to achieve; not having any effect: The new drug was ineffective. + ineffective management + The law proved ineffective in dealing with the problem.
ineffectiveness noun [U]: the ineffectiveness of western medicine in treating this illness
ineffectively adverb

Thesaurus dictionary

1 unproductive, unfruitful, bootless, idle, vain, useless, ineffectual, inefficacious, inoperative, non-functioning, inadequate, insufficient, worthless:
The anti-crime measures appear to have been ineffective.
2 inefficient, incompetent, incapable, unskilled, unskilful, inept, unfit, unproficient:
The new office manager is totally ineffective.

Collocation dictionary


be, prove, seem
These policies have proved ineffective.
| become | make sth, render sth
The contract was rendered ineffective by this careless wording.


highly, singularly, very | completely, entirely, totally, wholly | largely | pretty, rather, relatively, somewhat | apparently | politically


These weapons are totally ineffective against tanks.
| in
chemicals that are very ineffective in killing weeds