
US: /ˌɪmˈpɹɑbəbəɫ/
UK: /ɪmpɹˈɒbəbə‍l/

English Vietnamese dictionary

improbable /in'prɔbəbl/
  • tính từ
    • không chắc, không chắc có thực, không chắc sẽ xảy ra; đâu đâu
      • an improbable story: một câu chuyện không chắc có thực, một câu chuyện đâu đâu

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 ~ (that ...) not likely to be true or to happen: an improbable story / plot + It seems improbable that the current situation will continue. + It all sounded highly improbable. + in the improbable event of the Green Party winning
2 seeming strange because it is not what you would expect: Her hair was an improbable shade of yellow.
improbability noun [U, C]: the improbability of finding them alive + statistical improbability
improbably adverb: He claimed, improbably, that he had never been there. + an improbably happy end

Thesaurus dictionary

doubtful, dubious, unlikely, questionable, unrealistic, far-fetched, remote, implausible, unthinkable, hard to believe or imagine, inconceivable, unbelievable, fanciful, incredible, ridiculous, ludicrous, absurd, crazy, mad, insane, wild, weird, peculiar, strange; impossible; Colloq fishy:
It is improbable that they will marry. He gave the most improbable excuses.

Collocation dictionary


appear, be, look, seem, sound | become | make sth
These new facts make the theory improbable.


extremely, highly, very, wildly
a wildly improbable idea
| completely, quite | not altogether | fairly, rather, slightly | inherently, intrinsically
There is nothing inherently improbable in the idea.

Concise English dictionary

ɪm'prɑbəbl /-'prɒb-
+not likely to be true or to occur or to have occurred
+having a probability too low to inspire belief
+too improbable to admit of belief