
US: /ˌɪmˈpɔɹtəns/
UK: /ɪmpˈɔːtəns/

English Vietnamese dictionary

importance /im'pɔ:təns/
  • danh từ
    • sự quan trọng, tầm quan trọng
      • a problem of great importance: một vấn đề rất quan trọng
    • quyền thế, thế lực
      • self-importance; to speak with an air of importance: nói với vẻ ta đây quan trọng, nói làm ra vẻ quan trọng

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun
[U] the quality of being important: She stressed the importance of careful preparation. + It's a matter of the greatest importance to me. + They attach great importance to the project + the relative importance of the two ideas + State your reasons in order of importance. + He was very aware of his own importance (= of his status).

Thesaurus dictionary

1 significance, consequence, import, value, worth, weight, account, concern, moment, substance, matter:
How chemicals affect the ozone layer is of great importance to everyone.
2 eminence, distinction, esteem, standing, status, position, rank, prominence, pre-eminence, prestige, power, influence, note:
His family is of considerable importance in the community.

Collocation dictionary


cardinal, central, considerable, critical, crucial,
enormous, especial, extreme, fundamental, great, high,
immense, key, major, outstanding, overriding,
overwhelming, paramount, particular, primary, prime,
profound, real, special, supreme, tremendous, vital | first, greatest, highest, utmost
This information is of the first importance. It is of the utmost importance that you arrive on time.
| growing, increasing | declining
the declining importance of manufacturing industry
| lesser, limited, marginal, minor, secondary | direct | general | added | immediate | continued/continuing, lasting | equal | relative | intrinsic | obvious | perceived
differences in the perceived importance of the different subjects in the curriculum
| potential | public | international, national | practical | theoretical | symbolic
the symbolic importance of iron in German culture
| archaeological, commercial, constitutional, cultural, ecological, economic, environmental, historical, legal, military, political, social, strategic


These finds have considerable archaeological importance.
| assume, take on
Childcare schemes take on an added importance at a time of national recession.
| grow in, increase in, rise in | decline in, diminish in, fall in
The overseas markets have now declined in importance.
| attach, give sth, place
To what objectives do you attach most importance? the importance placed on cleanliness
| accept, acknowledge, appreciate, be aware of, grasp, realize, recognize, see, understand
People were aware of the importance of working with nature.
| demonstrate, illustrate, indicate, point to, reflect, show, suggest
Figure 2.2 shows the relative importance of the different service industries.
| assert | deny | confirm | draw attention to, emphasize, highlight, point up, promote, stress, underline
The manual stresses the importance of regular maintenance.
| diminish, downplay, minimize, play down, underplay
She was inclined to play down the importance of her own role in the affair.
| exaggerate, overestimate | underestimate, undervalue
Don't underestimate the importance of neat presentation.
| increase | reduce | consider, discuss | explain | cast/throw doubt on, doubt, question
No one can seriously question the political importance of the environment.
| forget, ignore, overlook


arise from sth, lie in sth
The town's importance lies in the richness and quality of its architecture.
| depend on sth


of … ~
The railways were of crucial importance in opening up the American West.
| ~ for
an area of enormous importance for wildlife
| ~ to
the importance to the country of a healthy economy


in order of importance
Deal with the issues in order of importance.
| a matter of importance

Concise English dictionary

ɪm'pɔrtns /-'pɔːtns
+the quality of being important and worthy of note
+a prominent status